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صحت یاب ہونا : Sehat Yaab Hona Meaning in English

Sehat Yaab Hona Synonyms


Sehat Yaab Hona in Detail

1 of 2) صحت یاب ہونا : Convalesce Recover Recuperate : (verb) get over an illness or shock.

Useful Words

سمجھنا : Catch : grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of. "Got something ?".

طبیعت : Health : the general condition of body and mind. "How is your health?".

مرض : Illness : impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism.

درست کرنا : Ameliorate : to make better. "Ameliorate this song title".

ادھر : Over : at or to a point across intervening space etc.. "Come over and see us some time".

صدمہ پہنچانا : Shock : strike with horror or terror. "The incident of nine eleven shocked the world".

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