Severalty Severally Severalize Severalise Several Severable Sever Seventy-Two Severance Severe Severely Severeness Severing Severity Seville Orange Sew Sew Together Sewage Sewer Sewerage

Severance meaning in Urdu

Severance Synonyms


Severance Definitions

1 of 2) Severance, Breach, Break, Falling Out, Rift, Rupture : ناچاقی, علیحدگی, جدائی : (noun) a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions).

2 of 2) Severance, Severing : علیحدگی کا عمل : (noun) the act of severing.

Useful Words

Schism : تفرقہ , Control : ضبط , Holistic Medicine : مجموعی علاج , Raining : بارش , Civil War : خانہ جنگی , Adverse Witness : مخالف گواہ , Fall Out : تعلقات خراب ہونا , Break Up : ٹوٹنا , Individualise : ذاتی بنانا , Anthropology : انسان کا مطالعہ , Contrast : فرق , Disintegration : تحلیل , Disjunct : مخصوص , Secession : علیحدگی , Isolation : علیحدگی , Perforate : کسی چیز میں سے سوراخ کرنا , Lag : رفتار میں کمی کرنے کا عمل , Division : علیحدگی کا عمل , Breakaway : علیحدہ , Avulsion : اعضاء کو علیحدہ کرنا , Deficient : معیار سے کم , Chilling : سردی , Prop : سہارا دینا , Comma : وقف کی علامت , Homesickness : گھر سے دوری کا غم , Descensus : پھسلنا , Dizzy : چکر آنا , Heave : اچھلنا , Obsolescence : متروک پن , Snow : جما ہوا پانی , Forelock : پیشانی پر نکلے بال

Useful Words Definitions

Schism: division of a group into opposing factions.

Control: discipline in personal and social activities.

Holistic Medicine: medical care of the whole person considered as subject to personal and social as well as organic factors.

Raining: falling in drops or as if falling like rain.

Civil War: a war between factions in the same country.

Adverse Witness: a witness whose relationship to the opposing party is such that his or her testimony may be prejudiced against the opposing party.

Fall Out: have a breach in relations.

Break Up: break or cause to break into pieces.

Individualise: make personal or more personal.

Anthropology: anthropology is the social science that investigates the origins and social relationships of human beings, encompassing various aspects of human life, culture, and evolution.

Contrast: a conceptual separation or distinction.

Disintegration: separation into component parts.

Disjunct: marked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements.

Secession: formal separation from an alliance or federation.

Isolation: a state of separation between persons or groups.

Perforate: make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation.

Lag: the act of slowing down or falling behind.

Division: the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart.

Breakaway: having separated or advocating separation from another entity or policy or attitude.

Avulsion: a forcible tearing or surgical separation of one body part from another.

Deficient: falling short of some prescribed norm.

Chilling: the process of becoming cooler; a falling temperature.

Prop: a support placed beneath or against something to keep it from shaking or falling.

Comma: a punctuation mark (,) used to indicate the separation of elements within the grammatical structure of a sentence.

Homesickness: the distress or impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation from home.

Descensus: the slipping or falling out of place of an organ (as the uterus).

Dizzy: having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling.

Heave: an upward movement (especially a rhythmical rising and falling).

Obsolescence: the process of becoming obsolete; falling into disuse or becoming out of date.

Snow: precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals.

Forelock: a lock of hair growing (or falling) over the forehead.

Related Words

Cut : کاٹنے کا عمل

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