Be HangamInteshaar AngaizAfra Taffri Se ...Be QararAaram Se Bhar PurAaram Se BharpoorSansanati Numa ...Shoor O GugaShaistaGhair AqliGhair MaqoolNasliyati Tor ParDo NasliMukhtalif Naslo...Nasal ParastanaMutaeamalTamliMustaidGhair MustaidMan Gharat

شائستہ : Shaista Meaning in English

Shaista Synonyms


Shaista in Detail

1 of 9) شائستہ خوش اسلوب : Elegant : (adjective) refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style.

2 of 9) معقولیت سلیقہ شایستگی : Decorousness Decorum : (noun) propriety in manners and conduct.

3 of 9) خوش خلق شائستہ مہذب : Polished Refined Svelte Urbane : (satellite adjective) showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience.

4 of 9) شائستہ مہذب : Well-Bred Well-Mannered : (satellite adjective) of good upbringing.

5 of 9) خوش خلق شائستہ : Courteous Gracious Nice : (satellite adjective) exhibiting courtesy and politeness.

6 of 9) شائستہ شریفانہ : Polite : (adjective) showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc.

7 of 9) معقول شائشتہ ذی شعور : Rational : (adjective) consistent with or based on or using reason.

8 of 9) شائستہ باتمیز خوش اخلاق : Mannerly Well-Mannered : (satellite adjective) socially correct in behavior.

9 of 9) شائستہ نرم : Bland Politic Smooth Suave : (satellite adjective) smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication.

Useful Words

حلیا : Appearance : outward or visible aspect of a person or thing. "Have you seen your appearance?".

چال چلن : Behavior : manner of acting or controlling yourself. "You are recognized by what you wear and by your behavior with folks".

چلانا : Carry On : direct the course of; manage or control. "You cannot conduct business like this".

ڈھنگ : Manner : a way of acting or behaving. "They don`t have any manners to speak ?".

مناسب طرز عمل : Correctitude : correct or appropriate behavior.

ملاوٹ سے پاک : Processed : freed from impurities by processing. "Refined sugar".

اسلوب : Expressive Style : a way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period. "All the reporters were expected to adopt the style of the newspaper".

ذائقہ میں اچھا : Tasteful : having or showing or conforming to good taste.

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