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Splitsaw meaning in Urdu

موٹے دانتوں والا آرا

Splitsaw Synonym

Splitsaw Definitions

1) Splitsaw, Ripsaw : موٹے دانتوں والا آرا : (noun) a handsaw for cutting with the grain of the wood.


Useful Words

Compass Saw : نوکیلی آری , Carpenter's Saw : ایک ہاتھ سے چلنے والا آرا , Power Saw : لکڑی کاٹنے کا اوزار , Edge Tool : تیز دھار والا اوزار , Back Saw : آری , Cutter : کاٹنے والا , Cutlery : چھری , Chisel : چھینی , Veneer : پلائی وڈ , Yew : درخت صنوبر , Maple : ایک قسم کا درخت یا جھاڑی , Barley : جو , Granule : دانہ , Wheat Berry : گہیوں , Thrash : دانے نکالنا , Grist : چکی میں پسنے والا غلہ , Sifting : اناج وغیرہ چننے کا عمل , Riddle : چھید کر کے الگ کرنا , Spout : ٹونٹی , Cedar : دیار کی لکڑی , Garner : اناج کوٹھی , Dry Measure : وہ پیمانہ جو غلہ وغیرہ کی پیمائش کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے , Kernel : اناج کا دانہ , Brassica Kaber : جنگلی سرسوں , Fissile : ٹوٹ پہوٹ کے قابل , Thrasher : گاہنے کی مشین , Field Corn : غلہ , Abscission : کاٹنے کا عمل , Cornucopia : خوشحالی کا سینگ , Army Worm : لشکری سنڈی , Broomcorn Millet : باجرے کی قسم

Useful Words Definitions

Compass Saw: a handsaw with a narrow triangular blade for cutting curves.

Carpenter's Saw: a saw used with one hand for cutting wood.

Power Saw: a power tool for cutting wood.

Edge Tool: any cutting tool with a sharp cutting edge (as a chisel or knife or plane or gouge).

Back Saw: a handsaw that is stiffened by metal reinforcement along the upper edge.

Cutter: someone whose work is cutting (as e.g. cutting cloth for garments).

Cutlery: a cutting implement; a tool for cutting.

Chisel: an edge tool with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge used for cutting.

Veneer: coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued to a base of inferior wood.

Yew: wood of a yew; especially the durable fine-grained light brown or red wood of the English yew valued for cabinetwork and archery bows.

Maple: wood of any of various maple trees; especially the hard close-grained wood of the sugar maple; used especially for furniture and flooring.

Barley: a grain of barley.

Granule: a tiny grain.

Wheat Berry: a grain of wheat.

Thrash: beat the seeds out of a grain.

Grist: grain intended to be or that has been ground.

Sifting: the act of separating grain from chaff.

Riddle: separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff.

Spout: an opening that allows the passage of liquids or grain.

Cedar: durable aromatic wood of any of numerous cedar trees; especially wood of the red cedar often used for cedar chests.

Garner: a storehouse for threshed grain or animal feed.

Dry Measure: a unit of capacity for dry commodities (as fruit or grain).

Kernel: the inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone.

Brassica Kaber: weedy Eurasian plant often a pest in grain fields.

Fissile: capable of being split or cleft or divided in the direction of the grain.

Thrasher: a farm machine for separating seeds or grain from the husks and straw.

Field Corn: corn grown primarily for animal feed or market grain.

Abscission: the act of cutting something off.

Cornucopia: a goat`s horn filled with grain and flowers and fruit symbolizing prosperity.

Army Worm: noctuid moth larvae that travel in multitudes destroying especially grass and grain.

Broomcorn Millet: extensively cultivated in Europe and Asia for its grain and in United States sometimes for forage.

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