Splitsaw Split Up Split Shift Split Second Split Rail Split Decision Split Splinters Splitter Splodge Splosh Splotch Splotched Splurge Splutter Spodumene Spoil Spoilage Spoilation Spoiled

Splitter meaning in Urdu

Splitter Synonym

Splitter Definitions

1) Splitter, Rail-Splitter : شہتیر اور بلیاں چیر کر کھمبے بنانے والا : (noun) a laborer who splits logs to build split-rail fences.


Useful Words

Fence Rail : کھپچی باڑ , Rail : ٹرین سے سفر کرنا , Hitching Bar : کھوٹا , Cog Railway : شکنجہ ریل پٹڑی , Third Rail : بجلی سے چلنے والی ریل , Wire : تار , Digger : کہودنے والا , Miner : کان میں کام کرنے والا , Ditch Digger : خندق کھودنے والا , Day Laborer : روز کی تنخواہ پر کام کرنے والا مزدور , Drudge : چپراسی , Stacker : ڈھیر کی شکل میں اکٹھا کرنے والا , Hand : کرائے کا کسان , Section Hand : قطعہ مزدور ٹولی کا ایک فرد , Fellah : عرب کسان , Breaker : توڑنے والا , Dock Worker : بندرگاہ کا مزدور , Hod Carrier : مزدور , Yardman : بیرونی کام کرنے کےلئے مامور مزدور , Fireman : فائر مین , Andiron : لوہے کی سلاخ , Logjam : روک , Pitsaw : دستی آرا , Rebuild : دوبارہ تعمیر کرنا , Raft : بیڑا , Erect : بنانا , Slender : نازک , Constructiveness : تعمیریت , Aggrade : چڑھاو , Contractor : ٹھیکے دار , Ax : کلہاڑی سے کاٹنا

Useful Words Definitions

Fence Rail: a rail that is split from a log.

Rail: travel by rail or train.

Hitching Bar: a fixed horizontal rail to which a horse can be hitched to prevent it from straying.

Cog Railway: railway for steep mountains; a cogwheel on the locomotive engages cogs on a center rail to provide traction.

Third Rail: a rail through which electric current is supplied to an electric locomotive.

Wire: ligament made of metal and used to fasten things or make cages or fences etc.

Digger: a laborer who digs.

Miner: laborer who works in a mine.

Ditch Digger: a laborer who digs ditches.

Day Laborer: a laborer who works by the day; for daily wages.

Drudge: a laborer who is obliged to do menial work.

Stacker: a laborer who builds up a stack or pile.

Hand: a hired laborer on a farm or ranch.

Section Hand: a laborer assigned to a section gang.

Fellah: an agricultural laborer in Arab countries.

Breaker: a quarry worker who splits off blocks of stone.

Dock Worker: a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port.

Hod Carrier: a laborer who carries supplies to masons or bricklayers.

Yardman: a laborer hired to do outdoor work (such as mowing lawns).

Fireman: a laborer who tends fires (as on a coal-fired train or steamship).

Andiron: metal supports for logs in a fireplace.

Logjam: an immovable mass of logs blocking a river.

Pitsaw: a large two-handed saw formerly used to cut logs into planks; one man stood above the log and the other in a pit below.

Rebuild: build again.

Raft: a flat float (usually made of logs or planks) that can be used for transport or as a platform for swimmers.

Erect: construct, build, or erect.

Slender: being of delicate or slender build.

Constructiveness: the quality of serving to build or improve.

Aggrade: build up to a level by depositing sediment.

Contractor: someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things.

Ax: chop or split with an ax.

Related Words

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