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Stirrup Iron meaning in Urdu

Stirrup Iron Synonym

Stirrup Iron Definitions

1) Stirrup Iron, Stirrup : رکاب : (noun) support consisting of metal loops into which rider's feet go.


Useful Words

Stapes : رکاب , Fire Hook : کریدنی , Electromagnet : بجلی کا مقناطیس , Horseshoes : کھوٹے میں چھلا ڈالنے کا کھیل , Bornite : کچا پیتل , Quoit : نشانہ باز چکی , Mag Tape : مقناطیسی ورق جس پر آواز وغیرہ ٹیپ کی جاتی ہے , Coil : گولا , Raddle : لال رنگ کی تہ دینا , Steam Iron : بھاپ استری , Chalybite : لوہے کی حالت خام , Iron : استری کرنا , Ironworker : لوہے کا کام کرنے والا , Grate : چولہا , Crowbar : بیرم کے ذریعے اوپر اٹھانے والا آلہ , Kibble : ڈول , Magnetic Iron-Ore : مقناطیسی لوہا , Structural Iron : سریا , Pig Iron : کچا لوہا , Blacksmith : لوہار , Haem : ہیموگلوبن کا وہ جزو جو اسے اس کا مخصوص رنگ دیتا ہے , Anvil : سندان , Pillow Block : فولاد کا ایک بلاک , Fergon : خون بنانے کی دوائی , Magnet : مقناطیس , Limonite : خام لوہا , Acquired Hemochromatosis : جسم میں لوہے کی زیادتی , Crampon : آنکڑا , Actinolite : ہرے مادے , Climber : جوتے کا کانٹا , Magnetic Attraction : مقناطیسیت

Useful Words Definitions

Stapes: the stirrup-shaped ossicle that transmits sound from the incus to the cochlea.

Fire Hook: fire iron consisting of a metal rod with a handle; used to stir a fire.

Electromagnet: a temporary magnet made by coiling wire around an iron core; when current flows in the coil the iron becomes a magnet.

Horseshoes: a game in which iron rings (or open iron rings) are thrown at a stake in the ground in the hope of encircling it.

Bornite: a mineral consisting of sulfides of copper and iron that is found in copper deposits.

Quoit: game equipment consisting of a ring of iron or circle of rope used in playing the game of quoits.

Mag Tape: memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide; used to record audio or video signals or to store computer information.

Coil: a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops.

Raddle: a red iron ore used in dyeing and marking.

Steam Iron: a pressing iron that can emit steam.

Chalybite: iron ore in the form of ferrous carbonate.

Iron: press and smooth with a heated iron.

Ironworker: a person who makes articles of iron.

Grate: a frame of iron bars to hold a fire.

Crowbar: a heavy iron lever with one end forged into a wedge.

Kibble: an iron bucket used for hoisting in wells or mining.

Magnetic Iron-Ore: an oxide of iron that is strongly attracted by magnets.

Structural Iron: iron that has been cast or worked in structural shapes.

Pig Iron: crude iron tapped from a blast furnace.

Blacksmith: a smith who forges and shapes iron with a hammer and anvil.

Haem: a complex red organic pigment containing iron and other atoms to which oxygen binds.

Anvil: a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering.

Pillow Block: a cast-iron or steel block for supporting a journal or bearing.

Fergon: trade name of a drug rich in iron; used to treat some types of anemia.

Magnet: (physics) a device that attracts iron and produces a magnetic field.

Limonite: a widely occurring iron oxide ore; a mixture of goethite and hematite and lepidocrocite.

Acquired Hemochromatosis: hemochromatosis resulting from repeated transfusions or from excessive intake of foods containing iron.

Crampon: a hinged pair of curved iron bars; used to raise heavy objects.

Actinolite: a green mineral of the amphibole group; calcium magnesium iron silicate.

Climber: an iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping on ice when walking or climbing.

Magnetic Attraction: attraction for iron; associated with electric currents as well as magnets; characterized by fields of force.

Related Words

Saddle : کاٹھی

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