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Stochasticity meaning in Urdu

Stochasticity Synonyms


Stochasticity Definitions

1) Stochasticity, Haphazardness, Noise, Randomness : بے اصولی : (noun) the quality of lacking any predictable order or plan.

Useful Words

Random : اتفاقی , Predictability : پیش گوئی کیے جانے کی قابلیت , Definiteness : تعین , Predictably : پیش گوئی کے طور پر , Crump : انجن کی آواز نکالنا , Accomplice : ساتھی , Unrestraint : مزاحمت سے آزادی , Unevenness : اونچا نیچا پن , Average : معمولی قابلیت کا , Aimlessness : بے مقصد ہونا , Immoderateness : بے اعتدالیت , Unproductiveness : غیر پیداواری , Disjointedness : بے تعلقی , Sloppy : گندا , Unpopularity : نامقبولیت , Chaotic : بدنظمی کی حالت , Dowdiness : بھدا پن , Neckless : ہار , Decency : معقولیت , Ability : صلاحیت , Call : کہنا , Chart : منصوبہ بنانا , Casually : یوں ہی , Compart : حصوں میں بانٹنا , Abortion : ناکامی , Maneuver : تدبیر , Go Ahead : کسی مقصد میں آگے جانا , Premeditate : پہلے سے منصوبہ بندی کرنا , Plot : سازش کرنا , Schedule : ترتیب کرنا , Outline : منصوبہ

Useful Words Definitions

Random: lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance.

Predictability: the quality of being predictable.

Definiteness: the quality of being predictable with great confidence.

Predictably: in a predictable manner or to a predictable degree.

Crump: make a noise typical of an engine lacking lubricants.

Accomplice: a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan (especially an unethical or illegal plan).

Unrestraint: the quality of lacking restraint.

Unevenness: the quality of being uneven and lacking uniformity.

Average: lacking exceptional quality or ability.

Aimlessness: the quality of lacking any definite purpose.

Immoderateness: the quality of being excessive and lacking in moderation.

Unproductiveness: the quality of lacking the power to produce.

Disjointedness: lacking order or coherence.

Sloppy: lacking neatness or order.

Unpopularity: the quality of lacking general approval or acceptance.

Chaotic: lacking a visible order or organization.

Dowdiness: having a drab or dowdy quality; lacking stylishness or elegance.

Neckless: lacking or apparently lacking a neck.

Decency: the quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality; the quality of being polite and respectable.

Ability: the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment.

Call: ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality.

Chart: plan in detail.

Casually: not methodically or according to plan.

Compart: lay out in parts according to a plan.

Abortion: failure of a plan.

Maneuver: a plan for attaining a particular goal.

Go Ahead: proceed (with a plan of action).

Premeditate: consider, ponder, or plan (an action) beforehand.

Plot: plan secretly, usually something illegal.

Schedule: plan for an activity or event.

Outline: a schematic or preliminary plan.

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