Storm Window Storm Trooper Storm Sash Storm Door Storm Centre Storm Center Storm Cellar Storm Stormbound Stormily Stormy Story Storyteller Stoup Stout Stoutly Stoutness Stove Stove Poker Stovepipe

Stormbound meaning in Urdu

Stormbound Sentence

The airport was filled with stormbound passengers.

Stormbound Definitions

1) Stormbound : طوفان میں گھرا ھوا : (satellite adjective) delayed or confined or cut off by a storm.


Useful Words

Retard : آہستہ کر دینا , Delay : طول دینا , Weather-Bound : خراب موسم کی وجہ سے رکا ہوا , Aftereffect : تاخیری تاثیر , Belated : دیر کرنے والا , Rainstorm : طوفانی بارش , Noreaster : شمال مشرق سے اٹھنے والا طوفان , Cyclone Cellar : پناہ گاہ , Calm : پر سکون , Windstorm : آندھی , Cyclonal : طوفانی , Blizzard : برفانی طوفان , Unconfined : دباو سے آزاد , Tidal Wave : سمندر میں اٹھنے والی خطرناک لہر , Bedfast : بیماری کی وجہ سے بستر پر پڑ جانا , Pent : اندر بند کیا ہوا , Homebound : گھر میں محصور , Confinement : قید , Bound : بندھا , Holding Paddock : باڑہ , Captive : قیدی , Endemic : مقامی , In Camera : خفیہ طور پر , Custody : حراست , Hospitalization : ہسپتال میں قیام , Jonah : یونس علیہ السلام , Private : خاص , Stall : اصطبل , Inmate : قید خانے میں رہنے والا , Air Cushion : ہوا بھرا سہارا , Holding Cell : حوالات

Useful Words Definitions

Retard: be delayed.

Delay: cause to be slowed down or delayed.

Weather-Bound: delayed or shut in by bad weather.

Aftereffect: a delayed effect of a drug or therapy.

Belated: after the expected or usual time; delayed.

Rainstorm: a storm with rain.

Noreaster: a storm blowing from the northeast.

Cyclone Cellar: an underground shelter where you can go until a storm passes.

Calm: (of weather) free from storm or wind.

Windstorm: a storm consisting of violent winds.

Cyclonal: of or relating to or characteristic of a violent tropical storm.

Blizzard: a storm with widespread snowfall accompanied by strong winds.

Unconfined: not confined.

Tidal Wave: an unusual (and often destructive) rise of water along the seashore caused by a storm or a combination of wind and high tide.

Bedfast: confined to bed (by illness).

Pent: closely confined.

Homebound: confined usually by illness.

Confinement: the state of being confined.

Bound: confined by bonds.

Holding Paddock: a pen where livestock is temporarily confined.

Captive: a person who is confined; especially a prisoner of war.

Endemic: native to or confined to a certain region.

In Camera: kept private or confined to those intimately concerned.

Custody: a state of being confined (usually for a short time).

Hospitalization: a period of time when you are confined to a hospital.

Jonah: (Old Testament) Jonah did not wish to become a prophet so God caused a great storm to throw him overboard from a ship; he was saved by being swallowed by a whale that vomited him out onto dry land.

Private: confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy.

Stall: a compartment in a stable where a single animal is confined and fed.

Inmate: one of several resident of a dwelling (especially someone confined to a prison or hospital).

Air Cushion: a mechanical device using confined air to absorb the shock of motion.

Holding Cell: a jail in a courthouse where accused persons can be confined during a trial.

Related Words

Confined : محدود

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