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Stout meaning in Urdu

Stout Sentences

Stout seamen.
Men are portly and women are stout.

Stout Synonyms


Stout Definitions

1 of 2) Stout, Hardy, Stalwart, Sturdy : سخت جان, ہٹا کٹا : (satellite adjective) having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships.

2 of 2) Stout, Portly : لہیم شہیم, جسیم, موٹا : (satellite adjective) euphemisms for `fat'.

Useful Words

Brawny : ہٹا کٹا , Spike : کلا , Club : چھڑی , Dumpiness : چھوٹا اور موٹا ہونے کی صفت , Millboard : مضبوط گتا , Baton : ڈنڈا , Toby : ایک پیالہ , Parang : چاقو , Swine : سور , Hedgehog Cactus : کانٹے دار پودا , Moth : تتلی نما کیڑا جو اکثر رات کو نکلتا ہے , Finch : گانے والی چڑیا , Stockade : باڑ , Board : ایک لمبا چپٹا تختہ , Barbet : ایک پرندہ , African Marigold : افریقی گیندے کا پھول , Anuran : مینڈک , Brassica Oleracea Gemmifera : چھوٹی گوبھی کی طرح کے پھل والا ایک پودا , Gannet : سمندری پرندہ , Apteryx : نیوزی لینڈ کا ایک پرندہ , Agastache Nepetoides : امریکی سدا بہار پودا , Cicada : جھینگر , Acrostichum Aureum : سنہری جھاڑی , Pigeon : کبوتر , Might : طاقت , Impuissant : نامرد , Fatigue : تھکن , Weakness : ناتوانی , Ruggedly : سختی سے , Crag : چٹان , Crate : تجارتی بحری صندوق

Useful Words Definitions

Brawny: (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful.

Spike: a large stout nail.

Club: stout stick that is larger at one end.

Dumpiness: a short and stout physique.

Millboard: stout pasteboard used to bind books.

Baton: a short stout club used primarily by policemen.

Toby: a drinking mug in the shape of a stout man wearing a three-cornered hat.

Parang: a stout straight knife used in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Swine: stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous animals.

Hedgehog Cactus: cactus of the genus Echinocactus having stout sharp spines.

Moth: typically crepuscular or nocturnal insect having a stout body and feathery or hairlike antennae.

Finch: any of numerous small songbirds with short stout bills adapted for crushing seeds.

Stockade: fortification consisting of a fence made of a line of stout posts set firmly for defense.

Board: a stout length of sawn timber; made in a wide variety of sizes and used for many purposes.

Barbet: small brightly colored stout-billed tropical bird having short weak wings.

African Marigold: a stout branching annual with large yellow to orange flower heads; Mexico and Central America.

Anuran: any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species.

Brassica Oleracea Gemmifera: plant grown for its stout stalks of edible small green heads resembling diminutive cabbages.

Gannet: large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill noted for its plunging dives for fish.

Apteryx: nocturnal flightless bird of New Zealand having a long neck and stout legs; only surviving representative of the order Apterygiformes.

Agastache Nepetoides: erect perennial with stout stems and yellow-green flowers; southern Canada and southeastern United States.

Cicada: stout-bodied insect with large membranous wings; male has drum-like organs for producing a high-pitched drone.

Acrostichum Aureum: stout tropical swamp fern (especially tropical America) having large fronds with golden yellow sporangia covering the undersides.

Pigeon: a pigeon is a stout-bodied bird with short legs, commonly found in urban areas worldwide. Known for its cooing calls, pigeons are often domesticated and used historically for message carrying.

Might: physical strength.

Impuissant: lacking physical strength or vigor.

Fatigue: temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work.

Weakness: the property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain.

Ruggedly: in a rugged manner.

Crag: a steep rugged rock or cliff.

Crate: a rugged box (usually made of wood); used for shipping.

Related Words

Robust : مضبوط

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