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Surreptitious meaning in Urdu

Surreptitious Sentences

A surreptitious glance at his watch.
Surreptitious mobilization of troops.

Surreptitious Synonyms


Surreptitious Definitions

1 of 2) Surreptitious, Furtive, Sneak, Sneaky, Stealthy : مکار, چوری چھپے, چپکے سے : (satellite adjective) marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed.

2 of 2) Surreptitious, Clandestine, Cloak-And-Dagger, Hole-And-Corner, Hugger-Mugger, Hush-Hush, Secret, Undercover, Underground : خفیہ : (satellite adjective) conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods.

Useful Words

Sneakily : خفیہ طور پر , Wary : ہوشیار , Circumvent : ٹال دینا , First Of May : مزدوروں کا دن , Weasel : فراڈیا , Lurk : گھات لگاکر بیٹھنا , In Secret : پوشیدہ طور پر , Secretively : راز داری کی رو سے , Cursorily : سرسری طور پر , Incautious : بے احتیاط , Unwarily : غفلت سے , Carelessness : لا پروائی , Anguish : شدید درد , Charily : ہوشیاری سے , Code : پیغام کو خفیہ کرنے کا طریقہ , Carefully : احتیاط سے , Cagey : ہوشیار , Check : رکنا , Careful : محتاط , Afterpains : بچے کی پیدائش کے بعد ہونے والا درد , Porphyria : پوفائرن میٹابولزم میں پیدائشی غلطی جس سے عصبی اور عضلاتی نسیج میں تبدیلیاں ہوتی ہیں , Calm Down : شدت میں کمی ہونا , Gentle : دھیما , Hush : چپ ہونا , Hush : خاموش کرانا , Quiescent : خاموش , Dobbin : خاموش طبیت مشقت کرنے والا گہوڑا , Hush : خاموش کرنا , Quietness : آرام کی حالت , Placidly : نرمی سے , Criminal Negligence : مجرمانہ غفلت

Useful Words Definitions

Sneakily: in a surreptitious manner.

Wary: marked by keen caution and watchful prudence.

Circumvent: avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues).

First Of May: observed in many countries to celebrate the coming of spring; observed in Russia and related countries in honor of labor.

Weasel: a person who is regarded as treacherous or sneaky.

Lurk: lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner.

In Secret: in secrecy; not openly.

Secretively: in a secretive manner; with a preference for secrecy.

Cursorily: without taking pains.

Incautious: lacking in caution.

Unwarily: without heed or caution.

Carelessness: the quality of not being careful or taking pains.

Anguish: suffer great pains or distress.

Charily: with great caution; warily.

Code: a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecy.

Carefully: as if with kid gloves; with caution or prudence or tact.

Cagey: characterized by great caution and wariness.

Check: stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution.

Careful: exercising caution or showing care or attention.

Afterpains: pains felt by a woman after her baby is born; associated with contractions of the uterus.

Porphyria: a genetic abnormality of metabolism causing abdominal pains and mental confusion.

Calm Down: become quiet or less intensive.

Gentle: quiet and soothing.

Hush: become quiet or quieter.

Hush: cause to be quiet or not talk.

Quiescent: being quiet or still or inactive.

Dobbin: a quiet plodding workhorse.

Hush: become quiet or still; fall silent.

Quietness: a state of peace and quiet.

Placidly: in a quiet and tranquil manner.

Criminal Negligence: (law) recklessly acting without reasonable caution and putting another person at risk of injury or death (or failing to do something with the same consequences).

Related Words

Covert : خفیہ , Concealed : خفیہ

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