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طاقت کا اِظہار : Taaqat Ka Izhar Meaning in English

Taaqat Ka Izhar in Detail

1) طاقت کا اظہار : Demonstration : (noun) a show of military force or preparedness.


Useful Words

زبردستی کرنا : Force : urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate. "The police forced him to take a statement from the boy".

کسی قوم کی فوج : Armed Forces : armed forces are organized military units, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, and more, tasked with safeguarding a nation`s security and interests, often through combat, defense, and peacekeeping operations. "Pakistani armed forces".

تیاری : Preparation : the state of having been made ready or prepared for use or action (especially military action). "Putting them in readiness".

تماشہ : Show : the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining. "You have stolen the show".

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