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تماشے کا کاروبار : Tamashy Ka Karobar Meaning in English

Tamashy Ka Karobar in Detail

1) تماشے کا کاروبار : Entertainment Industry Show Biz Show Business : (noun) those involved in providing entertainment: radio and television and films and theater.


Useful Words

تفریح : Amusement : an activity that is diverting and that holds the attention.

تصویر کھینچنا : Film : make a film or photograph of something. "The police caught the girl smoking spliff in the car after taking a shot for proof".

پیچیدہ : Byzantine : highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious. "The Byzantine tax structure".

ٹیلی ویژن : Telecasting : broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects. "Get the tv turned off".

تھیٹر : House : a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented. "The house was full".

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