Garmi Ka MosamMosam GrmaMosam E BaaharBaaharDarakht Se Patt...KhazanEk Second Ka Da...SecondTapty DinJaraJaray Ka WastBheer Kay Baal ...ChuttiyanChouti Ka MosamBarsati HawainWo Dor Jis Mein...Haki Ka DorEster Kay Baad ...Aaghaaz Or AnjaamShaz O Nadar

تَپتے دِن : Tapty Din Meaning in English

Tapty Din in Detail

1) تپتے دن : Canicular Days Canicule Dog Days : (noun) the hot period between early July and early September; a period of inactivity.


Useful Words

درمیان : Between : in the interval. "They rest betwixt".

شروع دور کے دوران : Early : during an early stage. "Early on in her career".

گرم : Hot : used of physical heat; having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning. "Aren`t you feeling the cold?".

سستی : Inaction : the state of being inactive.

جولائی : July : the month following June and preceding August.

مدت : Period : an amount of time. "A time period of 30 years".

ستمبر : Sep : the month following August and preceding October. "The Eid falls on September 2".

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