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ٹٹولنا : Tatolna Meaning in English


Tatolna in Detail

1 of 3) ٹٹولنا : Browse Browsing : (noun) reading superficially or at random.

2 of 3) ٹٹولنا کسی شے کو اندھے پن سے تلاش کرنا : Fumble Grope : (verb) feel about uncertainly or blindly.

3 of 3) دیکھنا ٹٹولنا ادھر ادھر دیکھنا : Browse Surf : (verb) look around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular.

Useful Words

متحرک : About : on the move. "Up and about".

اندھے پن سے : Blindly : without seeing or looking. "He felt around his desk blindly".

محسوس کرنا : Feel : be conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state. "I`m not feeling well".

اتفاقی : Random : lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance. "A random choice".

مطالعہ : Reading : the cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message. "His main reading was detective stories".

سطحی طور پر : Superficially : in a superficial manner. "He was superficially interested".

ڈگمگاتے ہوے : Falteringly : in an unsteady manner. "He walked unsteadily toward the exit".

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