FanoosSadar Ti Rehais...Girjay Ka Sadar...Shishmi KapraBachoun Kay Pes...Jaj Ka KamraKamraLikhai Waghera ...Ti Wi ChennalShenaiEbadat GahAngithiDhamaka Khaiz M...Dahal Par Bany ...Ghora GariMurda KhanaNaqshaBasatRaqam Ada Karna...Jaanch Kay Liay...

ٹی وی چینل : Ti Wi Chennal Meaning in English

Ti Wi Chennal in Detail

1) ٹی وی چینل : Channel Television Channel Tv Channel : (noun) a television station and its programs.


Useful Words

یہ : It : Used of a nonhuman entity. "It is out of the question".

منصوبہ : Plan : a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished. "One is your plan and the other is Allah`s and Allah is the best of planners".

جگہ : Station : a facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a particular purpose. "He started looking for a gas station".

ٹیلی ویژن : Telecasting : broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects. "Get the tv turned off".

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