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Tie In meaning in Urdu

Tie In Sentence

This ties in closely with his earlier remarks.

Tie In Synonyms


Tie In Definitions

1 of 2) Tie In : ملانا : (verb) be in connection with something relevant.

2 of 2) Tie In, Associate, Colligate, Connect, Link, Link Up, Relate : ملانا, جوڑنا, تعلق بنانا : (verb) make a logical or causal connection.

Useful Words

Bear On : متعلق ہونا , Germane : معقول , Apply : لاگو ہونا , Hit Home : متعلق ہونا , Cementitious : سیمنٹ کی خصوصیات رکھنے والا , Bearing : تعلق , Ignorant : ناسمجھ , Co-Worker : دفتر وغیرہ میں ساتھ کام کرنے والا , Couple : جوڑا , Shipmate : ایک ہی جہاز میں کام کرنے والا , Tee : تین سروں والے آلے سے جوڑنا , Aa : فن کی ڈگری , Ally : اتحادی , Roomie : ہم کمرہ , Bedfellow : عارضی ساتھی , Rig : نصب کرنا , Communicate : ملانا , Hook Up : منسلک کرنا , Account : وضاحت , Clannishness : گروہ بندی , Aas : اپلائڈ سائنس کی سند , Associateship : شراکت داری , Hyphen : الفاظ کو نشان لگا کر الگ کرنا , Affect : اثر ڈالنا , Conjunctive : واصل , Bridge : ملانا , Connect : باندھنا , Connective : ملانے والا , Link : گرہ , Sociability : سماج داریت , Collaborator : شراکت دار

Useful Words Definitions

Bear On: be relevant to.

Germane: relevant and appropriate.

Apply: be pertinent or relevant or applicable.

Hit Home: refer to or be relevant or familiar to.

Cementitious: like or relevant to or having the properties of cement.

Bearing: relevant relation or interconnection.

Ignorant: unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge.

Co-Worker: an associate that one works with.

Couple: a pair who associate with one another.

Shipmate: an associate on the same ship with you.

Tee: connect with a tee.

Aa: an associate degree in arts.

Ally: an associate who provides cooperation or assistance.

Roomie: an associate who shares a room with you.

Bedfellow: a temporary associate or friend.

Rig: connect or secure to.

Communicate: join or connect.

Hook Up: connect or link.

Account: a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.

Clannishness: tendency to associate with only a select group.

Aas: an associate degree in applied science.

Associateship: the position of associate (as in an office or academy).

Hyphen: divide or connect with a hyphen.

Affect: connect closely and often incriminatingly.

Conjunctive: serving or tending to connect.

Bridge: connect or reduce the distance between.

Connect: connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces.

Connective: connecting or tending to connect.

Link: a fastener that serves to join or connect.

Sociability: the relative tendency or disposition to be sociable or associate with one's fellows.

Collaborator: an associate in an activity or endeavor or sphere of common interest.

Related Words

Cerebrate : سوچنا , Correlate : برابری کا تعلق رکھنا , Have In Mind : ذہن میں ہونا , Interrelate : باہمی تعلق پیدا ہونا

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