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Tomfool meaning in Urdu

Tomfool Synonyms


Tomfool Definitions

1) Tomfool, Fool, Muggins, Sap, Saphead : احمق, بیوقوف, نادان : (noun) a person who lacks good judgment.

Useful Words

Judiciousness : اچھا فیصلہ کرنا , Indiscreetness : ناسمجھی , Foolishly : بے عقلی سے , Commonsense : عام فہم , Healthy : دماغی طور پر متوازن , Foolish : بے وقوف , Rationality : معقولیت , Discerning : تیز فہم , Sensibleness : ادراک , Heady : دانشمندانہ , Inexperienced Person : معصوم , Chicken : مذبذب , Bribe : رشوت , Adjudication : عدالتی فیصلہ , Good Egg : اچھا انسان , Well-Wishing : نیک خواہشات , Aspersion : تہمت , Controversialist : جھگڑالو , Bon Vivant : شان و شوکت سے رہنے والا , Affirmation : عدالت عالیہ کی توثیق , Ass : احمق , Aethusa : زہریلی جھاڑی , Befool : الو بنانا , Buffoon : بیوقوف , Bozo : احمق , Befool : بیوقوف بنانا , Algarroba : خرنوب , Morality : اخلاقیات , Good : اچھا , Heaviness : بھدا پن , Catalectic : بے وزن

Useful Words Definitions

Judiciousness: good judgment.

Indiscreetness: lacking good judgment.

Foolishly: without good sense or judgment.

Commonsense: exhibiting native good judgment.

Healthy: exercising or showing good judgment.

Foolish: devoid of good sense or judgment.

Rationality: the state of having good sense and sound judgment.

Discerning: having or revealing keen insight and good judgment.

Sensibleness: the quality of showing good sense or practical judgment.

Heady: marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters.

Inexperienced Person: a person who lacks knowledge of evil.

Chicken: a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy.

Bribe: payment made to a person in a position of trust to corrupt his judgment.

Adjudication: the final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented.

Good Egg: a good person.

Well-Wishing: an expression of good will from one person to another.

Aspersion: an abusive attack on a person`s character or good name.

Controversialist: a person who disputes; who is good at or enjoys controversy.

Bon Vivant: a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink).

Affirmation: a judgment by a higher court that the judgment of a lower court was correct and should stand.

Ass: a pompous fool.

Aethusa: fool`s parsley.

Befool: fool or hoax.

Buffoon: a rude or vulgar fool.

Bozo: a man who is a stupid incompetent fool.

Befool: make a fool or dupe of.

Algarroba: long pod containing small beans and sweetish edible pulp; used as animal feed and source of a chocolate substitute.

Locust bean benefits : Good source of protein and vitamins, reduces the risk of cancer, can control diabetes, good for heart health, boost energy levels, good for weight loss. .

Morality: concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct.

Good: (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good` is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well`).

Heaviness: an oppressive quality that is laborious and solemn and lacks grace or fluency.

Catalectic: (prosody) a line of verse that lacks a syllable in the last metrical foot.

Related Words

Simple : سادہ , Wally : باولا شخص

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