Matlab HonaMunhasir HonaDalali KarnaYaad Taza KarnaJazbat Phout ParnaIsharatan KehnaPaigham PahunchanaEshara DenaToorna MarornaRaz Faash KarnaKisi Par Kheech...Kisi Kubd Naam ...Shinaakht HonaAam HonaBaat KhilnaGhair Iraadi To...Ghair Iraadi To...Raz Ki Baat BatanaBhed KehnaDil Ka Hal Batana

توڑنا مروڑنا : Toorna Marorna Meaning in English


Toorna Marorna in Detail

1) مروڑنا بگاڑنا توڑنا مروڑنا : Convolute Pervert Sophisticate Twist Twist Around : (verb) practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive.

Useful Words

متحرک : About : on the move. "Up and about".

بدلنا : Alter : cause to change; make different; cause a transformation. "He found out on a moonlit night that his kurta was bigger than his actual size, so he gave the kurta to the tailor to alter it".

دھوکا ہونا : Cozen : be false to; be dishonest with. "You are deluded that you will get refund".

مطلب : Import : the message that is intended or expressed or signified. "What is the meaning of this sentence".

گمراہ کرنا : Lead Astray : lead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions. "The pedestrian misdirected the out-of-town driver".

حکم دینا : Enjoin : give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority. "I said to him to go home".

مشق کرنا : Practice : engage in a rehearsal (of). "He kept his practice on".

غیر واضع : Obscure : not clearly understood or expressed. "An obscure turn of phrase".

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