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Top-Hole meaning in Urdu

Top-Hole Synonyms

Top-Hole Definitions

1) Top-Hole, Top-Flight, Topping : شان دار : (satellite adjective) excellent; best possible.


Useful Words

Perforate : چھید والا , Hole : گالف میں بال سوراخ میں ڈالنا , Perforation : سوراخ کرنا , Air Hole : سوراخ , Blowhole : نکاس , Pierce : چھیدنا , Keyhole : چابی کا سوراخ , Reeve : سوراخ میں سے گزارنا , Stave : سراخ کرنا , Button Hole : بٹن کا کاج , Poke : چھیدنا , Knothole : لکڑی کے تختے میں یا درخت میں سوراخ , Ace : ایک ضرب لگانا , Cavity : گڑھا , Sump : تالاب , Pit : چور گڑھا , Water Hole : قدرتی پانی بھرا گڑھا , Eyehole : جھری , Perforate : کسی چیز میں سے سوراخ کرنا , Burrow : کسی جانور کا بل , Bead : موتی جس میں سوراخ ہو , Ream : سراخ کرکے نکالنا , Reeve : سوراخ میں سے رسا گزارنا , Eye : سوئی میں چھوٹا سوراخ , Wormhole : کیڑوں کا کیا ہوا سوراخ , Opening : سوراخ , Ear Hole : کان کا سوراخ , Rathole : دیوار میں چوہے کا بنایا ہوا سراخ , Puncture : سوراخ کرنا , Poncho : ایک لباس , Bunghole : بوتل کا منھ

Useful Words Definitions

Perforate: having a hole cut through.

Hole: hit the ball into the hole.

Perforation: a hole made in something.

Air Hole: a hole that allows the passage of air.

Blowhole: a hole for the escape of gas or air.

Pierce: make a hole into.

Keyhole: the hole where a key is inserted.

Reeve: pass through a hole or opening.

Stave: burst or force (a hole) into something.

Button Hole: a hole through which buttons are pushed.

Poke: make a hole by poking.

Knothole: a hole in a board where a knot came out.

Ace: play (a hole) in one stroke.

Cavity: a sizeable hole (usually in the ground).

Sump: a well or other hole in which water has collected.

Pit: a trap in the form of a concealed hole.

Water Hole: a natural hole or hollow containing water.

Eyehole: a hole (in a door or an oven etc) through which you can peep.

Perforate: make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation.

Burrow: a hole made by an animal, usually for shelter.

Bead: a small ball with a hole through the middle.

Ream: remove by making a hole or by boring.

Reeve: pass a rope through the opening or hole.

Eye: a small hole or loop (as in a needle).

Wormhole: hole made by a burrowing worm.

Opening: an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity.

Ear Hole: a hole (as in a helmet) for sound to reach the ears.

Rathole: a hole (as in the wall of a building) made by rats.

Puncture: pierce with a pointed object; make a hole into.

Poncho: a blanket-like cloak with a hole in the center for the head.

Bunghole: a hole in a barrel or cask; used to fill or empty it.

Related Words

Britain : برطانیہ

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