Truster Trustee Trusted Trust Deed Trust Truss Trunk Road Trunk Call Trustful Trustfully Trustfulness Trustiness Trusting Trustingly Trustingness Trustworthiness Trustworthy Trusty Truth Truthful

Trustful meaning in Urdu

Trustful Sentence

Great brown eye, true and trustful.

Trustful Synonym

Trustful Definitions

1) Trustful, Trusting : پر اعتماد : (adjective) inclined to believe or confide readily; full of trust.


Useful Words

Trustfully : بھروسا کرتے ہوۓ , Confidingly : بھروسے سے , Distrust : بے اعتمادی کرنا , Gullible : سادہ لوح , Leery : ناقابل اعتبار , Credit : بھروسہ ہونا , Repose : بھروسہ کرنا , On Hand : دستیاب , Commit : سونپنا , Confidence : بھروسہ , Perfidiousness : بے وفائی , Depend On : کسی پر بھروسہ کرنا , On Faith : بھروسے اور یقین کے ساتھ , Man Of Action : وہ شخص جو کام پہلے کرے اور سوچے بعد میں , Preferably : ترجیحاً , Communicable : پہنچانے کے قابل , Dependable : پختہ , Untrustworthy : ناقابل بھروسا , Trustworthy : اعتماد کے قابل , Untrue : جہوٹا , Undependable : جس کا بھروسہ نہ ہو , Willing : چاہنے والا , Sneezy : چھینک زدہ , Compliant : فرمانبردار , Unquestioning : بے حجت , Clubable : ملنے والا , Reactive : متعامل , Bouncy : لچکدار , Eloquent : فصیح , Elastic : اپنے آپ کو حالات کے مطابق ڈھالنا , Applicative : عملی

Useful Words Definitions

Trustfully: in a trustful manner.

Confidingly: with trust; in a trusting manner.

Distrust: the trait of not trusting others.

Gullible: easily tricked because of being too trusting.

Leery: openly distrustful and unwilling to confide.

Credit: have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of.

Repose: to put something (eg trust) in something.

On Hand: readily available.

Commit: confer a trust upon.

Confidence: a feeling of trust (in someone or something).

Perfidiousness: betrayal of a trust.

Depend On: put trust in with confidence.

On Faith: with trust and confidence.

Man Of Action: someone inclined to act first and think later.

Preferably: more readily or willingly.

Communicable: readily communicated.

Dependable: worthy of reliance or trust.

Untrustworthy: not worthy of trust or belief.

Trustworthy: worthy of trust or belief.

Untrue: not true to an obligation or trust.

Undependable: not worthy of reliance or trust.

Willing: disposed or inclined toward.

Sneezy: inclined to sneeze.

Compliant: inclined or willing to abide by.

Unquestioning: not inclined to ask questions.

Clubable: inclined to club together.

Reactive: participating readily in reactions.

Bouncy: elastic; rebounds readily.

Eloquent: expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively.

Elastic: able to adjust readily to different conditions.

Applicative: readily applicable or practical.

Related Words

Credulous : ضعیف الاعتقاد , Confiding : قابل اعتبار , Unsuspecting : شبہ نہ کرنے والا
