Unknowable Unknot Unkindness Unkindly Unkind Person Unkind Unkeyed Unkempt Unknowing Unknowingly Unknowingness Unknowledgeable Unknown Unknown Region Unknown Soldier Unlace Unlade Unlamented Unlash Unlatched

Unknowing meaning in Urdu

Unknowing Synonyms


Unknowing Definitions

1 of 2) Unknowing, Ignorant, Unknowledgeable, Unwitting : ناسمجھ, ناواقف : (satellite adjective) unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge.

2 of 2) Unknowing, Ignorantness, Nescience, Unknowingness : ناواقفیت, علم کا نہ ہونا, ناواقف : (noun) ignorance (especially of orthodox beliefs).

Useful Words

Cognise : معلوم ہونا , Ignorance : جہالت , Unawareness : بے خبری , Acquaintance : واقفیت , Uninformed : غیر تعلیم یافتہ , Title Page : کتاب کا پہلا صفحہ , Convergent Thinker : حل تلاش کرنے والا , Inexperience : ناواقفیت , Insensible : غافل , Unconscious : غافل , Ignoramus : ناواقف شخص , Unenlightened : غیر روشن خیال , Ignorantly : ناواقفیت سے , Yokel-Like : جاہل , Bear On : متعلق ہونا , Germane : معقول , Tie In : ملانا , Cementitious : سیمنٹ کی خصوصیات رکھنے والا , Hit Home : متعلق ہونا , Apply : لاگو ہونا , Bearing : تعلق , Account : وضاحت , Document : تحریری دستاویز , Ai : امریکی فوجی حساس ادارہ , Google : دنیا کا سب سے مشہور سرچ انجن , Awareness : آگاہی , Unacquainted : ناواقف , Unbeknown : کسی کو بتائے بغیر , Bailiwick : مضمون , Inadvertently : بھولے سے , Quiz : امتحان لینا

Useful Words Definitions

Cognise: be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about.

Ignorance: the lack of knowledge or education.

Unawareness: unconsciousness resulting from lack of knowledge or attention.

Acquaintance: personal knowledge or information about someone or something.

Uninformed: not informed; lacking in knowledge or information.

Title Page: a title page is the front page of a document, book, or report that displays the title, subtitle, author`s name, and other relevant information. It often includes the title in a large, prominent font.

Convergent Thinker: a thinker who focuses on the problem as stated and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution.

Inexperience: lack of experience and the knowledge and understanding derived from experience.

Insensible: unaware of or indifferent to.

Unconscious: that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware.

Ignoramus: an ignorant person.

Unenlightened: not enlightened; ignorant.

Ignorantly: in ignorance; in an ignorant manner.

Yokel-Like: stupid and ignorant like proverbial rural inhabitants.

Bear On: be relevant to.

Germane: relevant and appropriate.

Tie In: be in connection with something relevant.

Cementitious: like or relevant to or having the properties of cement.

Hit Home: refer to or be relevant or familiar to.

Apply: be pertinent or relevant or applicable.

Bearing: relevant relation or interconnection.

Account: a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.

Document: writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature).

Ai: an agency of the United States Army responsible for providing timely and relevant and accurate and synchronized intelligence to tactical and operational and strategic level commanders.

Google: a widely used search engine that uses text-matching techniques to find web pages that are important and relevant to a user`s search.

Awareness: having knowledge of.

Unacquainted: having little or no knowledge of.

Unbeknown: without someone`s knowledge.

Bailiwick: a branch of knowledge.

Inadvertently: without knowledge or intention.

Quiz: examine someone's knowledge of something.

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