Unmarried Man Unmarried Unmarred Unmarketable Unmannerly Unmannered Unmanly Unmanliness Unmask Unmasking Unmatchable Unmatched Unmated Unmeasurable Unmeasured Unmediated Unmelodious Unmentionable Unmerchantable Unmerciful

Unmask meaning in Urdu

Unmask Sentence

Unmask the imposter.

Unmask Definitions

1) Unmask : نقاب اتارنا : (verb) take the mask off.


Useful Words

Mask : نقاب کرنا , Masked : نقاب پوش , Artless : بھولا , Deodorant : بدبو دور کرنے والا مادہ , Domino : نقاب , Cloak : چھپانا , Off : بند , Conduct : لے جانا

Useful Words Definitions

Mask: put a mask on or cover with a mask.

Masked: having markings suggestive of a mask.

Artless: characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious.

Deodorant: a toiletry applied to the skin in order to mask unpleasant odors.

Domino: a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes.

Cloak: hide under a false appearance.

Off: not in operation or operational.

Conduct: take somebody somewhere.

Related Words

Expose : جسم کا کوئی حصہ دکھانا
