Weigh Down Weigh Weft Weewee Weepy Weeping Love Grass Weeping Weepiness Weighed Down Weigher Weighing Weighing Machine Weight Weight Unit Weight-Lift Weighted Weightily Weightiness Weightless Weightlessness

Weighed Down meaning in Urdu

Weighed Down Sentence

Vines weighed down with grapes.

Weighed Down Synonym

Weighed Down Definitions

1) Weighed Down, Heavy : وزن سے لدا ہوا : (satellite adjective) full of; bearing great weight.


Useful Words

Considered : سوچا سمجھا , Ponderable : قابل غور , Burdened : وزن اٹھائے ہوئے , Weighty : وزن والا , Bear Down : دباو ڈالنا , Heaviness : بھاری پن , Ponderous : وزنی , Heavy : وزنی , Amain : پوری رفتار سے , Burdened : بوجھل , Tare : اشیاء کی پیکنگ کا وزن , Count : حیثیت رکھنا , Clump : وزنی شے گرنے کی آواز , Balance : برابری کا وزن , Right Smart : بہت , Long Shot : کوئی والا کام جس میں کامیابی کی امید کم ہو , Massive : ٹھوس , Scotland : اسکاٹ لینڈ , Lose Weight : وزن کم کرنا , Librate : تولنا , Gently : ہلکے سے , Pack On : وزن بڑھنا , Weight : باٹ , Avoirdupois : موٹا , Gain : وزن میں اضافہ ہونا , Burden : وزن , Heavy : بھاری وزن , Bulky : زیادہ , Sweat Off : وزن کم کرنا , Kneel : عبادت کے دوران گھٹنے کو جھکانا , Hard : مضبوط

Useful Words Definitions

Considered: carefully weighed.

Ponderable: capable of being weighed or considered.

Burdened: bearing a physically heavy weight or load.

Weighty: having relatively great weight; heavy.

Bear Down: exert a force with a heavy weight.

Heaviness: the property of being comparatively great in weight.

Ponderous: having great mass and weight and unwieldiness.

Heavy: of comparatively great physical weight or density.

Amain: at full speed; with great haste.

Burdened: bearing a heavy burden of work or difficulties or responsibilities.

Tare: an adjustment made for the weight of the packaging in order to determine the net weight of the goods.

Count: have weight; have import, carry weight.

Clump: a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects).

Balance: a weight that balances another weight.

Right Smart: to a great degree or by a great distance; very much (`right smart' is regional in the United States).

Long Shot: a venture that involves great risk but promises great rewards.

Massive: consisting of great mass; containing a great quantity of matter.

Scotland: one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; located on the northern part of the island of Great Britain; famous for bagpipes and plaids and kilts.

Lose Weight: take off weight.

Librate: determine the weight of.

Gently: with little weight or force.

Pack On: gain (weight).

Weight: a unit used to measure weight.

Avoirdupois: excess bodily weight.

Gain: increase (one's body weight).

Burden: weight to be borne or conveyed.

Heavy: slow and laborious because of weight.

Bulky: of large size for its weight.

Sweat Off: lose weight by sweating.

Kneel: rest one`s weight on one`s knees.

Hard: resisting weight or pressure.

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