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Worthy meaning in Urdu

Worthy Sentences

You are not worthy of this.
A worthy fellow.

Worthy Synonyms


Worthy Definitions

1 of 4) Worthy : لائق : (satellite adjective) having qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some way.

Behavior worthy of reprobation.
A fact worthy of attention.

2 of 4) Worthy : محترم شخص : (noun) an important, honorable person (word is often used humorously).

3 of 4) Worthy : قابل قدر, قیمتی : (adjective) having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable.

A worthy cause.

4 of 4) Worthy, Desirable, Suitable : موزوں شریک حیات : (satellite adjective) worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse.

Useful Words

Good : اچھی , Honorable Mention : اعزازی ذکر , Empower : عطا کرنا , Endowment : قدرتی صلاحیت , Blessed : مقدس , Deserve : مستحق ہونا , Model : کوئی شخص جو مثال یا نمونے کے لئے پیش کیا جائے , Dependable : کھرا , Notable : قابل قدر , Noteworthy : قابل ذکر , Deserving : لائق , Insignificant : حقیر , Comparable : موازنے کے قابل , Laudability : تعریف کے لائق , Applaudable : قابل تعریف , Curio : نادر شئے , Untrustworthy : ناقابل بھروسا , Worthily : شایان شان طور پر , Acceptable : قابل قبول , Trustworthy : اعتماد کے قابل , Creditably : بخوبی , Undependable : جس کا بھروسہ نہ ہو , Reverend : ارفع , Workmanlike : کرنے کر لائق , Dependable : پختہ , Hallowed : پاک کردہ , Creditable : قابل قدر , Comparable To : مترادف , Quotability : حوالہ پذیری , Noticeable : قابل توجہ , Aid : مالی امداد

Useful Words Definitions

Good: having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified.

Honorable Mention: an official recognition of merit.

Empower: give qualities or abilities to.

Endowment: natural abilities or qualities.

Blessed: worthy of worship.

Deserve: be worthy or deserving.

Model: someone worthy of imitation.

Dependable: worthy of being depended on.

Notable: worthy of notice.

Noteworthy: worthy of notice.

Deserving: worthy of being treated in a particular way.

Insignificant: not worthy of notice.

Comparable: able to be compared or worthy of comparison.

Laudability: the quality of being worthy of praise.

Applaudable: worthy of high praise.

Curio: something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting.

Untrustworthy: not worthy of trust or belief.

Worthily: in a worthy manner; with worthiness.

Acceptable: worthy of acceptance or satisfactory.

Trustworthy: worthy of trust or belief.

Creditably: to a tolerably worthy extent.

Undependable: not worthy of reliance or trust.

Reverend: worthy of adoration or reverence.

Workmanlike: worthy of a good workman.

Dependable: worthy of reliance or trust.

Hallowed: worthy of religious veneration.

Creditable: worthy of often limited commendation.

Comparable To: worthy of comparison; as good as.

Quotability: the quality of being worthy of being quoted.

Noticeable: capable or worthy of being perceived.

Aid: money to support a worthy person or cause.

Related Words

Worthiness : قیمت , Important Person : اہم شخص , Eligible : مستحق , Estimable : احترام کے لاحق , Honorable : معزز , Righteous : متقی , Valuable : قیمتی

Worthy in Book Titles

The Worthy: A Ghost`s Story.
Worthy and Prepared.
Citizenship and the Pursuit of the Worthy Life.
Worthy Treasures: Part I--Innocent Themes and Dreams.
Road Worthy: Life Passages by Motorcycle.

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