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یکا یک : Yaka Yk Meaning in English

Yaka Yk Synonyms


Yaka Yk in Detail

1) یکا یک : Abruptness Precipitance Precipitancy Precipitateness Precipitousness Suddenness : (noun) the quality of happening with headlong haste or without warning.

Useful Words

واقعہ : Happening : an event that happens.

جلد بازی : Haste : the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner. "Why such haste?".

بنا سوچے سمجھے : Headlong : in a hasty and foolhardy manner. "He fell headlong in love".

خوبی : Character : a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something. "What quality does it possess ?".

تنبیہ : Warning : a message informing of danger. "A warning that still more bombs could explode".

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