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خوشبو دار پانی : Kushbo Dar Pani Meaning in English

Kushbo Dar Pani in Detail

1) خوشبو دار پانی : Cologne Cologne Water Eau De Cologne : (noun) a perfumed liquid made of essential oils and alcohol.

Useful Words

ناگزیر : Essential : absolutely necessary; vitally necessary. "Essential tools and materials".

رقیق مائع : Liquid : a substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure.

بنایا ہوا : Made : produced by a manufacturing process. "Bought some made goods at the local store; rope and nails".

تیل : Oil : a slippery or viscous liquid or liquefiable substance not miscible with water. "What sort of oil is it ?".

مہکنے والا : Odoriferous : having a natural fragrance. "Odoriferous spices".

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