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Manioca meaning in Urdu

Manioca Synonyms


Manioca Definitions

1) Manioca, Cassava, Cassava Starch, Manioc : سیدھی کھڑی رہنے والی جھاڑی, کسابی : (noun) a starch made by leaching and drying the root of the cassava plant; the source of tapioca; a staple food in the tropics.

Useful Words

Tapioca : کساوا سوجی , Sago : ساگو دانہ , Arum Maculatum : یورپ کی عام سوسن , Canton Ginger : ادراک , Cornflour : مکئی کا سفوف , Adermin : وٹامن بی 6 , Dress Shirt : مردانا قمیض , Achira : اذخیر , Library Paste : ایک چپکنے والی چیز , Saccharic Acid : سفید قلمی شکری تیزاب , Dextrin : نشاستہ کی آب پاشیدگی کے دوران بننے والا ایک حل پذیر پولی سیکرائیڈ , Cutting : پودے کی قلم , Radical : بنیادی , Clove : لال پھولوں والا ایک درخت , Dolichos Biflorus : كلتھی کی دال , Haustorium : طفیلی پودے , Tuber : پودوں کا زیر زمین تنا , Oyster Plant : پھولوں والا پودا , Castor Bean Plant : ارنڈ کا پودہ , Horseradish : یورپی اروی کی جڑ , Carroty : گاجر کے رنگ جیسا , Botanical : پودے سے بنی دوا , Armoracia Rusticana : یورپی لمبی اروی , Brassica Rapa : شلغم , Pneumatophore : ہوا بردار , Carrot : گاجر , Eretmochelys Imbricata : چونچ والا کچھوا , Krill : سمندر کا ایک جانور , Olive : زیتون کا پھل , Aloe Vera : ایک ہرا پودا , Lentil : مسور کی دال

Useful Words Definitions

Tapioca: granular preparation of cassava starch used to thicken especially puddings.

Sago: powdery starch from certain sago palms; used in Asia as a food thickener and textile stiffener.

Arum Maculatum: common European arum with lanceolate spathe and short purple spadix; emerges in early spring; source of a starch called arum.

Canton Ginger: tropical Asian plant widely cultivated for its pungent root; source of gingerroot and powdered ginger.

Cornflour: starch prepared from the grains of corn; used in cooking as a thickener.

Adermin: a B vitamin that is essential for metabolism of amino acids and starch.

Dress Shirt: a man`s white shirt (with a starch front) for evening wear (usually with a tuxedo).

Achira: canna grown especially for its edible rootstock from which arrowroot starch is obtained.

Library Paste: an adhesive made from water and flour or starch; used on paper and paperboard.

Saccharic Acid: a white dicarboxylic acid formed from oxidation of sugar or starch.

Dextrin: any of various polysaccharides obtained by hydrolysis of starch; a tasteless and odorless gummy substance that is used as a thickening agent and in adhesives and in dietary supplements.

Cutting: a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting.

Radical: arising from or going to the root or source.

Clove: moderate sized very symmetrical red-flowered evergreen widely cultivated in the tropics for its flower buds which are source of cloves.

Dolichos Biflorus: twining herb of Old World tropics cultivated in India for food and fodder; sometimes placed in genus Dolichos.

Haustorium: a root-like attachment in parasitic plants that penetrates and obtains food from the host.

Tuber: a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage.

Oyster Plant: edible root of the salsify plant.

Castor Bean Plant: large shrub of tropical Africa and Asia having large palmate leaves and spiny capsules containing seeds that are the source of castor oil and ricin; widely naturalized throughout the tropics.

Horseradish: the root of the horseradish plant; it is grated or ground and used for seasoning.

Carroty: resembling the bright orange of the root of the carrot plant.

Botanical: a drug made from part of a plant (as the bark or root or leaves).

Armoracia Rusticana: coarse Eurasian plant cultivated for its thick white pungent root.

Brassica Rapa: widely cultivated plant having a large fleshy edible white or yellow root.

Pneumatophore: an air-filled root (submerged or exposed) that can function as a respiratory organ of a marsh or swamp plant.

Carrot: The cultivated carrot plant yields an edible root that is typically deep orange in color and is used as a vegetable.

Eretmochelys Imbricata: pugnacious tropical sea turtle with a hawk-like beak; source of food and the best tortoiseshell.

Krill: shrimp-like planktonic crustaceans; major source of food for e.g. baleen whales.

Olive: small ovoid fruit of the European olive tree; important food and source of oil.

Aloe Vera: very short-stemmed plant with thick leaves with soothing mucilaginous juice; leaves develop spiny margins with maturity; native to Mediterranean region; grown widely in tropics and as houseplants.

Lentil: round flat seed of the lentil plant used for food.

Related Words

Amylum : نشاستہ

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