12-Tone System 12-Tone Music 12 11th 115th 115 110th 110 120 120th 125 125th 12th 13 130 130th 135 135th 13th 14

120 meaning in Urdu

120 Sentence

They set 120 chairs in party.

120 Synonyms


120 Definitions

1 of 2) 120, Great Hundred, Long Hundred : ایک سو بیس : (noun) the cardinal number that is the product of ten and twelve.

2 of 2) 120, Cxx, One Hundred Twenty : ایک سو بیس : (satellite adjective) being ten more than one hundred ten.

Useful Words

13 : تیرہ , 500th : پانچ سواں , 101st : ایک سو ایک واں , 400th : چار سواں , 300th : تین سواں , 100th : سواں , 110th : ایک سو دسواں , 200th : دو سواں , 105th : ایک سو پانچواں , 155th : ایک سو پچپنواں , 120th : ایک سو بیسواں , 170th : ایک سو سترواں , 135th : ایک سو پینتیسواں , 190th : ایک سو نوے نمبر پر , 150th : ایک سو پچاسواں , 115th : ایک سو پندرواں , 165th : ایک سو پینسٹھواں , 130th : ایک سو تیسواں , 180th : ایک سو اسی , 145th : ایک سو پینتالیسواں , 160th : ایک سو ساٹھواں , 125th : ایک سو پچیسواں , 175th : ایک سو پچھترواں , 140th : ایک سو چالیسواں , 60 : ساٹھ , 40 : چالیس , 1000 : ہزار , 90 : نوے , 30 : تیس , 50 : پچاس , 10000 : دس ہزار

Useful Words Definitions

13: the cardinal number that is the sum of twelve and one.

500th: the ordinal number of five hundred in counting order.

101st: the ordinal number of one hundred one in counting order.

400th: the ordinal number of four hundred in counting order.

300th: the ordinal number of three hundred in counting order.

100th: the ordinal number of one hundred in counting order.

110th: the ordinal number of one hundred ten in counting order.

200th: the ordinal number of two hundred in counting order.

105th: the ordinal number of one hundred five in counting order.

155th: the ordinal number of one hundred fifty-five in counting order.

120th: the ordinal number of one hundred twenty in counting order.

170th: the ordinal number of one hundred seventy in counting order.

135th: the ordinal number of one hundred thirty-five in counting order.

190th: the ordinal number of one hundred eighty-five in counting order.

150th: the ordinal number of one hundred fifty in counting order.

115th: the ordinal number of one hundred fifteen in counting order.

165th: the ordinal number of one hundred sixty-five in counting order.

130th: the ordinal number of one hundred thirty in counting order.

180th: the ordinal number of one hundred eighty in counting order.

145th: the ordinal number of one hundred forty-five in counting order.

160th: the ordinal number of one hundred sixty in counting order.

125th: the ordinal number of one hundred twenty-five in counting order.

175th: the ordinal number of one hundred seventy-five in counting order.

140th: the ordinal number of one hundred forty in counting order.

60: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and six.

40: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and four.

1000: the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100.

90: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine.

30: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and three.

50: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and five.

10000: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and one thousand.

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