Esa Maseeh Ki W...Kaley Aaloochey...Afriqi Barey Se...Pani Par Ternay...Kali Safaid Dol...Post Jesa Amrik...Door KayAad E MushtarakAam TareekhPepal Ka DarakhtYorapi Pat Jhar...Europi JheengarNeeley Kaley Pa...Gul E ShaamPeeley Phoolon ...Chehrey Ki RagChehrey Ki Wo R...Qanoon E MushtarakKhata E Kashish...Sonf Kay Patay

عام تاریخ : Aam Tareekh Meaning in English

Aam Tareekh in Detail

1) عام تاریخ : C.E. Ce Common Era : (adverb) of the period coinciding with the Christian era; preferred by some writers who are not Christians.


Useful Words

مسیحی : Christian : relating to or characteristic of Christianity. "Christian rites".

بیک وقت : Co-Occurrent : occurring or operating at the same time. "A series of coincident events".

زمانہ : Era : a major division of geological time; an era is usually divided into two or more periods. "There used to be justice in the era of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) but now mismanagement is seen everywhere".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

مدت : Period : an amount of time. "A time period of 30 years".

قابل ترجیح : Preferable : more desirable than another. "Coffee is preferable to tea".

تھوڑا : Some : relatively much but unspecified in amount or extent. "May I have some words with you?".

مصنف : Author : writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay). "An author of a famus book".

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