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آسانی سے مڑنے والا : Aasani Se Murnay Wala Meaning in English

Aasani Se Murnay Wala Synonyms


Aasani Se Murnay Wala in Detail

1 of 3) آسانی سے مڑنے والا : Lissom Lissome Lithe Lithesome Slender Supple Svelte Sylphlike : (satellite adjective) moving and bending with ease.

2 of 3) موڑنے کے قابل نرم آسانی سے مڑنے والا : Bendable Pliable Pliant Waxy : (satellite adjective) capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking.

3 of 3) کھینچے جانے کے قابل لچک دار آسانی سے مڑنے والا : Ductile Malleable Pliable Pliant Tensile Tractile : (satellite adjective) capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out.

Useful Words

ثابت قدم : Bent : fixed in your purpose. "Bent on going to the theater".

ٹوٹنا : Break : the act of breaking something. "The breakage was unavoidable".

قابل : Capable : (usually followed by `of`) having capacity or ability. "You guys let Imran drive He is capable in driving in hilly area".

آسانی سے : Ease : freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort. "With ease".

حرکت پذیر : Moving : in motion. "A constantly moving crowd".

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