Amreki Mujsma S...Amreki Mazdor R...Angrez MulajHo Chie Man Vit...Angrez CricketerAngrez FalsafiAmreki Faliat DanGerman Amir HitlarAastrian MamarGerman ShayarAmreki GalfarAngrez FankarJapani PinterGerman Mazhabi ...Halban German P...Amreki MujadAngrez Mahir Ar...Amreki JajAasire JeneralSusuis Musiqar

آسٹرین معمار : Aastrian Mamar Meaning in English

Aastrian Mamar in Detail

1) آسٹرین معمار : Hoffmann Josef Hoffmann : (noun) Austrian architect known for his use of rectilinear units (1870-1956).


Useful Words

ماہر تعمیرات : Architect : someone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings).

آسٹریا کے متعلق : Austrian : of or relating to Austria or its people or culture. "Austrian music".

ہوائی امریکی ریاست : Aloha State : a state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands.

سیدھا : Rectilineal : characterized by a straight line or lines. "Rectilinear patterns in wallpaper".

اکائی : Unit : any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange. "The dollar is the United States unit of currency".

استعمال کرنے کا عمل : Employment : the act of using. "He warned against the use of narcotic drugs".

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