Acheson Process meaning in Urdu
Acheson Process Definitions
1) Acheson Process : گرافائیٹ بنانے کا عمل : (noun) an industrial process for making graphite by heating a mixture of coke and clay.
Useful Words
Accouchement : بچہ جننا , Tumefaction : سوجن , Recall : یاد آنا , Breathing : تنفس , Extraction : نکالنے کا عمل , Rationalisation : تاویل , Radiography : سایہ آمیز نقوش کی بناوٹ , Effluence : روانی , Evaporation : بخارات بنانے کا عمل , Wastage : ضائع کرنے کا عمل , Production : پیدا کاری کا عمل , Advertence : چوکسی , Ooze : رسنے کا عمل , Inflow : اندرونی بہاوٴ , Dissolution : حل ہونے کا عمل , Educational : تدریسی , Coloring : رنگریزی , Decrease : کم ہونا , Cerebration : خیال , At Last : بالآخر , Expedite : تیزی لانا , Timekeeping : وقت کا حساب رکھنے کا عمل , Product : تیار کردہ چیز , Materialisation : مادی وجود میں آنا , Decay : سڑن , Distil : کشید کرنا , Audile : سماعت سے متعلق , Made : بنایا ہوا , Desensitisation : حساسیت کم کرنے کا عمل , Vegetation : پودے وغیرہ اگنے کا عمل , Vote In : ووٹنگ طریقہ کار کے ذریعے منتخب کرنا
Useful Words Definitions
Accouchement: the parturition process in human beings; having a baby; the process of giving birth to a child.
Tumefaction: the process of tumefying; the organic process whereby tissue becomes swollen by the accumulation of fluid within it.
Recall: the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort).
Breathing: the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation.
Extraction: the process of obtaining something from a mixture or compound by chemical or physical or mechanical means.
Rationalisation: the cognitive process of making something seem consistent with or based on reason.
Radiography: the process of making a radiograph; producing an image on a radiosensitive surface by radiation other than visible light.
Effluence: the process of flowing out.
Evaporation: the process of becoming a vapor.
Wastage: the process of wasting.
Production: the act or process of producing something.
Advertence: the process of being heedful.
Ooze: the process of seeping.
Inflow: the process of flowing in.
Dissolution: the process of going into solution.
Educational: relating to the process of education.
Coloring: the act or process of changing the color of something.
Decrease: a process of becoming smaller or shorter.
Cerebration: the process of using your mind to consider something carefully.
At Last: as the end result of a succession or process.
Expedite: process fast and efficiently.
Timekeeping: the act or process of determining the time.
Product: an artifact that has been created by someone or some process.
Materialisation: the process of coming into being; becoming reality.
Decay: the process of gradually becoming inferior.
Distil: extract by the process of distillation.
Audile: of or relating to the process of hearing.
Made: produced by a manufacturing process.
Desensitisation: the process of reducing sensitivity.
Vegetation: the process of growth in plants.
Vote In: elect in a voting process.