Acme meaning in Urdu
Acme Sentence
Acme Synonyms
Acme Definitions
1 of 2) Acme, Elevation, Height, Meridian, Peak, Pinnacle, Summit, Superlative, Tiptop, Top : بلندی, چوٹی, عروج : (noun) the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development.
The artist`s gifts are at their acme.
2 of 2) Acme, Apex, Peak, Vertex : نقطہ عروج, کسی شے کا بلند ترین نقطہ : (noun) the highest point (of something).
Useful Words
Mark : بنانا , Top-Secret : انتہائی خفیہ , High-Water Mark : بلند ترین سطح کا نشان , Crowning : اعلی , Ripe : پختہ , Extreme : انتہاء , Worst : بد ترین , Ultimate : چوٹی کا , Red Alert : ہنگامی صورت حال , Altitude : سطح سے بلندی , A-One : عمدہ ترین , Greatest : خالص , Archbishop : پادریوں کا سردار , Excellent : عمدہ , Supreme : اعلی ترین درجے کا , First : پہلا , Second Class : دوسرے درجے کا , Top : کسی چیز کی اوپر والی سطح , High Tide : اونچی لہریں , Command : اعلی ترین سطح , Classic : نہایت اعلی , Scale : اوپر آنا , Full General : اعلی افسر , Auction : نیلامی , Admirable : قابل تعریف , Brahman : ہندووں کی سب سے اعلی ذات , Culminate : بلند ترین مقام تک پہنچنا , Field Marshal : فوج میں بلند عہدے والا , Marshal : بڑا فوجی افسر , Paramountcy : اقتدار اعلی , Upper-Class : اونچا طبقہ
Useful Words Definitions
Mark: establish as the highest level or best performance.
Top-Secret: the highest official level of classification of documents.
High-Water Mark: a line marking the highest level reached.
Crowning: representing a level of the highest possible achievement or attainment.
Ripe: at the highest point of development especially in judgment or knowledge.
Extreme: the furthest or highest degree of something.
Worst: to the highest degree of inferiority or badness.
Ultimate: furthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme.
Red Alert: the highest level of alert when an attack by the enemy seems imminent (or more generally a state of alert resulting from imminent danger).
Altitude: elevation especially above sea level or above the earth's surface.
A-One: of the highest quality.
Greatest: highest in quality.
Archbishop: a bishop of highest rank.
Excellent: very good;of the highest quality.
Supreme: highest in excellence or achievement.
First: the first or highest in an ordering or series.
Second Class: not the highest rank in a classification.
Top: the highest or uppermost side of anything.
High Tide: the tide when the water is highest.
Command: a position of highest authority.
Classic: a creation of the highest excellence.
Scale: reach the highest point of.
Full General: a general officer of the highest rank.
Auction: the public sale of something to the highest bidder.
Admirable: deserving of the highest esteem or admiration.
Brahman: a member of the highest of the four Hindu varnas.
Culminate: reach the highest or most decisive point.
Field Marshal: an officer holding the highest rank in the army.
Marshal: (in some countries) a military officer of highest rank.
Paramountcy: the state of being paramount; the highest rank or authority.
Upper-Class: occupying the highest socioeconomic position in a society.
Acme in Book Titles
Acme Library of Standard Biography.
ACME Catalog: Quality is Our #1 DreamApex Medicall Terminology Glossary and Workbook for Interpreters.