Acting meaning in Urdu
Acting Sentence
Acting Synonyms
Acting Definitions
1 of 2) Acting : قائم مقام, وقتی طور پر کسی دوسرے کی جگہ کام کرنا : (satellite adjective) serving temporarily especially as a substitute.
2 of 2) Acting, Performing, Playacting, Playing : اداکاری, انجام دہ, انجام دینے والا : (noun) the performance of a part or role in a drama.
Useful Words
Double-Dealing : منافقت , Fast : تیزی سے , Ham : زیادتی کرنا , Generosity : بے غرضی , Hold Back : تاخیر کرنا , Manner : ڈھنگ , Buffoonery : مسخرا پن , Snag : حاصل کرنا , Abidance : مطابقت , Behavior : چال چلن , Compulsiveness : مجبوری , Drop : کام سے روکنا , Interactional : متعامل , Collective : مشترکہ , Motherlike : ماں کی طرح , Canary : جاسوس , Heedlessness : جلد بازی , Collusive : ملی بھگت , Luminal : فینو بار پیٹل کا تجارتی نام , Folly : بیوقوفی سے , Adrenocorticotrophic : ہارمون کی تحریک , Cabin Boy : جہازی خدمت گار , Concurrence : بیک وقتی , Complemental : تکمیلی , Picket Line : ہڑتالی قطار , Coach : تربیت کرنے والا , Gentleness : شرافت , Serious-Minded : سنجیدہ , Histrionic : فنکارانہ , Punctual : ٹائم کا پابند , Activeness : مستعدی
Useful Words Definitions
Double-Dealing: acting in bad faith; deception by pretending to entertain one set of intentions while acting under the influence of another.
Fast: acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly.
Ham: exaggerate one's acting.
Generosity: acting generously.
Hold Back: wait before acting.
Manner: a way of acting or behaving.
Buffoonery: acting like a clown or buffoon.
Snag: get by acting quickly and smartly.
Abidance: acting according to certain accepted standards.
Behavior: manner of acting or controlling yourself.
Compulsiveness: the trait of acting compulsively.
Drop: stop pursuing or acting.
Interactional: capable of acting on or influencing each other.
Collective: done by or characteristic of individuals acting together.
Motherlike: suggestive of or acting like a mother.
Canary: someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police.
Heedlessness: the trait of acting rashly and without prudence.
Collusive: acting together in secret toward a fraudulent or illegal end.
Luminal: a long-acting barbiturate used as a sedative.
Folly: the trait of acting stupidly or rashly.
Adrenocorticotrophic: stimulating or acting on the adrenal cortex.
Cabin Boy: a young man acting as a servant on a ship.
Concurrence: acting together, as agents or circumstances or events.
Complemental: acting as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole).
Picket Line: a line of people acting as pickets.
Coach: a person who gives private instruction (as in singing, acting, etc.).
Gentleness: acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered.
Serious-Minded: acting with or showing thought and good sense.
Histrionic: characteristic of acting or a stage performance; often affected.
Punctual: acting or arriving or performed exactly at the time appointed.
Activeness: the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically.
Related Words
Activity : سرگرمی , Characterization : کردار ادا کرنا , Dumb Show : بے آواز تماشا جو اشارے کی مدد سے کیا جائے , Skit : چٹکلہ , Heroics : نمائشی طرز عمل , Impermanent : ناپائیدار
Acting in Book Titles
Acting in the Cinema.
Acting: An International Encyclopedia.
Screen Acting.