Activist meaning in Urdu
Activist Synonyms
Activist Definitions
1 of 2) Activist, Militant : جنگجو, لڑ کر اصلاح کرنے والا : (noun) a militant reformer.
2 of 2) Activist, Activistic : فعالیت پسند : (satellite adjective) advocating or engaged in activism.
Useful Words
Black Muslim : سیاہ فام مسلمان , Combativeness : جنگجوئی , Drumbeater : سخت گیر , Activism : فعالیت , Big Bill Haywood : امریکی مزدور رہنما , Suffragette : عورت کے حق رائے دہی کی حمایتی عورت , Holy War Warriors : انڈونیشیاء کی جہادی تنظیم , 3rd October Organization : آرمینی عسکری تنظیم , Dry : امتناع پسند , Abolitionist : حریت پرست , Anthony Comstock : این تھونی کوم اسٹاک , Booked : مختص , Hawkish : جنگجو , Crusader : اصلاح پسند
Useful Words Definitions
Black Muslim: an activist member of a largely American group of Blacks called the Nation of Islam.
Combativeness: a militant aggressiveness.
Drumbeater: a fervent and even militant proponent of something.
Activism: a policy of taking direct and militant action to achieve a political or social goal.
Big Bill Haywood: United States labor leader and militant socialist who was one of the founders of the Industrial Workers of the World (1869-1928).
Suffragette: a woman advocate of women's right to vote (especially a militant advocate in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 20th century).
Holy War Warriors: a paramilitary terrorist organization of militant Muslims in Indonesia; wages a jihad against Christians in Indonesia; subscribes to the Wahhabi creed of Islam.
3rd October Organization: a militant Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization formed in 1975 to force Turkey to acknowledge killing more than a million Armenians and forcibly removing them from border areas in 1915; wants Turkey to pay reparations and cede territory to Armenia.
Dry: a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages.
Abolitionist: a reformer who favors abolishing slavery.
Anthony Comstock: United States reformer who led moral crusades against art and literature that he considered obscene (1844-1915).
Booked: reserved in advance.
Hawkish: disposed to warfare or hard-line policies.
Crusader: a disputant who advocates reform.
Related Words
Activist in Book Titles
Militant Labor in the PhilippinesRudyard Kipling : activist and artist.