Adesite Adermin Ader Wax Adequateness Adequately Adequate To Adequate Adequacy Adh Adhd Adhere Adherence Adherent Adhesion Adhesion Contract Adhesive Adhesive Agent Adhesive Bandage Adhesive Friction Adhesive Material

Adh meaning in Urdu

Adh Synonyms


Adh Definitions

1) Adh, Antidiuretic Hormone, Pitressin, Vasopressin : ہائیپو تھیلامس میں بننے والا : (noun) hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (trade name Pitressin) and also by nerve endings in the hypothalamus; affects blood pressure by stimulating capillary muscles and reduces urine flow by affecting reabsorption of water by kidney tubules.

Useful Words

Melatonin : ایک قسم کا ضماد جو جلد کے رنگ کو ہلکا کرنے کے لیے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے , Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone : گلے کے غدود کو توانائی فراہم کرنے والا مادہ جو خون میں شامل ہوتا ہے , Acth : تناو کا ہارمون , Growth Hormone : امامی پیچوایٹری گلینڈ سے خارج ہونے والا نمو کا عامل , Glucagon : لبلبہ کے آئیلٹس آف لنگرہانز کے الفا خلیوں میں پیدا ہونے والا ہارمون , Nephroangiosclerosis : گردوں کی سوزش سے مشابہ مرض , Acromegalia : ہڈی بڑھنے کی بیماری , Parathormone : پیرا تھائیرائیڈ گلینڈ سے خارج شدہ ہارمون جو ہڈی کے کیلشیم جزو کو کنٹرول کرتا ہے , Thymosin : تھائیمس گلینڈ کے ایپی تھیلیل خلیوں سے اخراج ہونے والا ہارمون , Glucocorticoid : ایڈرینل کارٹیکس میں قدرتی طور پر کارٹیسون اور ہائیڈرو کارٹیسون پایا جاتا ہے , Insulin : جسمانی شکر کو کنٹرول کرنے والے ہارمون , Goiter : گلٹی , Hcg : حمل کا ہارمون , Hypoparathyroidism : خون میں کیلشیم کی کمی , Adrenalin : تناو متوازن کرنے کا ہارمون , Diuretic : پیشاب آور , Nephrocalcinosis : گردے کے مادے کے اندر بہت سے کلسی علاقے , Compression Bandage : لہو روک پٹی , Wether : خصی بکرا , Kidney : گردہ , Receptor : وصول کرنے والا , Fifth Cranial Nerve : سر اور چہرے کے پٹہوں کا درد , Diapedesis : بافتوں میں رگوں کی دیواروں میں سے خونی خلیوں کا گزرنا , Hydronephrosis : رکے ہوئے پیشاب کی وجہ سے گردے پیلوس کا پھیلاو , Bottleneck : سکڑاوٴ , Masculinise : مردانہ صفات پیدا کرنا , Estriol : حاملہ خواتین کے پیشاب میں موجود اسٹروجن میٹابولائیٹ , Ureter : وہ نالی جو گردے سے پیشاب کو مثانے میں منتقل کرتی ہے , Blackwater Fever : ملیریا کی ایک بگڑی ہوئی صورت , Pilar Cyst : گلٹی , Adrenal Cortical Steroid : تناو کا ہارمون

Useful Words Definitions

Melatonin: hormone secreted by the pineal gland.

Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone: anterior pituitary hormone that stimulates the function of the thyroid gland.

Acth: a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal cortex.

Growth Hormone: a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland; promotes growth in humans.

Glucagon: a hormone secreted by the pancreas; stimulates increases in blood sugar levels in the blood (thus opposing the action of insulin).

Nephroangiosclerosis: kidney disease that is usually associated with hypertension; sclerosis of the renal arterioles reduces blood flow that can lead to kidney failure and heart failure.

Acromegalia: enlargement of bones of hands and feet and face; often accompanied by headache and muscle pain and emotional disturbances; caused by overproduction of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary gland (due to a tumor).

Parathormone: parathyroid hormone (PTH) is produced and secreted by the parathyroid glands, entering the bloodstream to regulate phosphorus and calcium levels in the body. It also plays a role in neuromuscular excitability and blood clotting.

Thymosin: hormone secreted by the thymus; stimulates immunological activity of lymphoid tissue.

Glucocorticoid: a steroid hormone that is produced by the adrenal cortex of animals; affects functioning of gonads and has anti-inflammatory activity.

Insulin: hormone secreted by the isles of Langerhans in the pancreas; regulates storage of glycogen in the liver and accelerates oxidation of sugar in cells.

Goiter: abnormally enlarged thyroid gland; can result from underproduction or overproduction of hormone or from a deficiency of iodine in the diet.

Hcg: hormone produced early in pregnancy by the placenta; detection in the urine and serum is the basis for one kind of pregnancy test.

Hypoparathyroidism: inadequate secretion of parathyroid hormone resulting in abnormally low levels of calcium in the blood.

Adrenalin: a catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress (trade name Adrenalin); stimulates autonomic nerve action.

Diuretic: any substance that tends to increase the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water.

Nephrocalcinosis: renal lithiasis in which calcium deposits form in the renal parenchyma and result in reduced kidney function and blood in the urine.

Compression Bandage: bandage that stops the flow of blood from an artery by applying pressure.

Wether: male sheep especially a castrated one, castration is the process of removing the testicles of a male animal, which renders the animal incapable of reproduction and reduces certain hormone-related behaviors. Wethers are commonly raised for meat production or as companion animals. They are generally docile and easier to handle compared to intact rams, making them suitable for various purposes, including grazing, weed control, or as pets.

Kidney: either of two bean-shaped excretory organs that filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and excrete them and water in urine.

Receptor: an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation.

Fifth Cranial Nerve: the main sensory nerve of the face and motor nerve for the muscles of mastication.

Diapedesis: passage of blood cells (especially white blood cells) through intact capillary walls and into the surrounding tissue.

Hydronephrosis: accumulation of urine in the kidney because of an obstruction in the ureter.

Bottleneck: a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel.

Masculinise: produce virilism in or cause to assume masculine characteristics, as through a hormonal imbalance or hormone therapy.

Estriol: a naturally occurring estrogenic hormone; a synthetic form is used to treat estrogen deficiency.

Ureter: either of a pair of thick-walled tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.

Blackwater Fever: severe and often fatal malaria characterized by kidney damage resulting in dark urine.

Pilar Cyst: a common cyst of the skin; filled with fatty matter (sebum) that is secreted by a sebaceous gland that has been blocked.

Adrenal Cortical Steroid: a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex or synthesized; administered as drugs they reduce swelling and decrease the body`s immune response.

Related Words

Endocrine : ہارمون
