Tukray TukrayDairpaSabitPuray Ka PuraSukraDabaIkhtisar Kay QabilShikaiyat Karna...AdhoraMastHalfiHalf YaftaPabandi Se AzadKamilBilkulNaraTakmeel ShudaSab Ka Sab Ya K...Tamam Imkani Qu...Bhar Pur

اَدھُورا : Adhora Meaning in English

Adhora Sentence

Adhora Synonyms


Adhora in Detail

1 of 6) ٹکڑے ٹکڑے ادھورا : Fragmental Fragmentary : (satellite adjective) consisting of small disconnected parts.

2 of 6) بے شکل ادھورا : Unformed : (adjective) not having form or shape.

3 of 6) نامکمل ادھورا : Incomplete Uncomplete : (adjective) not complete or total; not completed.

4 of 6) ادھورا نامکمل : Unfinished : (adjective) not brought to the desired final state.

5 of 6) ادھورا : Unfinished : (adjective) not brought to an end or conclusion.

6 of 6) غیر متشکل ادھورا : Unformed : (satellite adjective) not formed or organized.

Useful Words

منقسم : Disconnected : having been divided; having the unity destroyed. "Disunited nations in the world".

جسم : Anatomy : alternative names for the body of a human being. "Anatomy of liver and surrounding".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

کردار : Character : an actor`s portrayal of someone in a play. "She played the part of Desdemona".

صغیر : Little : limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent. "A little living room".
