Adjustable meaning in Urdu
Adjustable Sentences
Adjustable Definitions
1 of 2) Adjustable : حسب حال ہو نے کے قابل : (satellite adjective) capable of being changed so as to match or fit.
2 of 2) Adjustable : قابل ترتیب : (satellite adjective) capable of being regulated.
Useful Words
Monkey Wrench : ایک قسم اوزار جس کو چھوٹا بڑا کیا جا سکتا ہے , Morris Chair : آرام دہ کرسی جس کی پشت آگے پیچھے کی جا سکتی ہو , Barber Chair : حجامی کرسی , Carpenter's Plane : بڑھئی کا ایک دستی اوزار , Pipe Wrench : پائپ پانا , Inalterable : ناقابل تبدیل , Alterable : بدلنے کے قابل , Convertible : منقلب , Adaptability : حالات سے سمجہوتہ , Mismatch : نامناسب جوڑ , Match Game : ٹیسٹ میچ , Adjustment : معیار کے مطابق بنانے کا عمل , Tennis Match : ٹینس کا مقابلہ , Fight : کشتی وغیرہ , Computer Virus : نقصان پہنچانے والا کمپیوٹر پروگرام , Palpable : چھو کر محسوس کرنے کے قابل , Boxing Match : مکے بازی کا مقابلہ , Prelim : پہلے حصے کا , Adjustable Spanner : موافق پانا , Retractile : سمٹ جانے والا , Unmodified : بلا ترمیم , Coagulated : جما ہوا , Readjustment : تشکیل نو , Cockfight : مرغوں کی لڑائی , Final : آخری مقابلہ , Chemical Reaction : ایک کیمیائی رد عمل , Worse : بیمار پڑنا , Adapted : تبدیل شدہ , Fixed Storage : کمپیوٹر کی میموری , Horse-And-Buggy : قدیم زمانے کا , Ablaut : واول کی تبدیلی
Useful Words Definitions
Monkey Wrench: adjustable wrench that has one fixed and one adjustable jaw.
Morris Chair: an armchair with an adjustable back.
Barber Chair: a large fixed adjustable chair in which barbers seat their customers.
Carpenter's Plane: a carpenter's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood.
Pipe Wrench: adjustable wrench for gripping and turning a pipe; has two serrated jaws that are adjusted to grip the pipe.
Inalterable: not capable of being changed or altered.
Alterable: capable of being changed or altered in some characteristic.
Convertible: capable of being changed in substance as if by alchemy.
Adaptability: the ability to change (or be changed) to fit changed circumstances.
Mismatch: a bad or unsuitable match.
Match Game: an international championship match.
Adjustment: the act of adjusting something to match a standard.
Tennis Match: a match between tennis players.
Fight: a boxing or wrestling match.
Computer Virus: a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer.
Palpable: capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt.
Boxing Match: a match between boxers; usually held in a boxing ring.
Prelim: a minor match preceding the main event.
Adjustable Spanner: can be changed to different settings.
Retractile: capable of retraction; capable of being drawn back.
Unmodified: not changed in form or character.
Coagulated: changed into a solid mass.
Readjustment: the act of adjusting again (to changed circumstances).
Cockfight: a match in a cockpit between two fighting cocks heeled with metal gaffs.
Final: the final match between the winners of all previous matches in an elimination tournament.
Chemical Reaction: (chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others.
Worse: changed for the worse in health or fitness.
Adapted: changed in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purpose.
Fixed Storage: (computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed.
Horse-And-Buggy: relating to the time before automobiles (and other inventions) changed the way people lived in industrialized nations.
Ablaut: a vowel whose quality or length is changed to indicate linguistic distinctions (such as sing sang sung song).