ادنیٰ : Adna Meaning in English
Adna Synonyms
Adna in Detail
1 of 10) معمولی حیثیت کی چیز معمولی سا کم قیمت چیز : Small Beer Trifle Trivia Triviality : (noun) something of small importance.
2 of 10) چھوٹا ادنی : Puny Runty Shrimpy : (satellite adjective) (used especially of persons) of inferior size.
4 of 10) ادنی ذلیل : Cringing Groveling Grovelling Wormlike Wormy : (satellite adjective) totally submissive.
7 of 10) دوسرے درجے کا ادنی : Mediocre Second-Rate : (satellite adjective) moderate to inferior in quality.
9 of 10) کم سے کم ادنی : Lower Limit Minimum : (noun) the smallest possible quantity.
10 of 10) معمولی ادنی عام سا : Coarse Common : (satellite adjective) of low or inferior quality or value.
Useful Words
خاص طور پر : Especially : to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common. "He was particularly fussy about spelling".
اہمیت : Importance : the quality of being important and worthy of note. "The importance of a well-balanced diet".
کم رتبے والا : Inferior : of or characteristic of low rank or importance.
شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".
حجم : Size : the physical magnitude of something (how big it is). "A wolf is about the size of a large dog".
صغیر : Little : limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent. "A little living room".
کوئی چیز : Something : An undetermined or unspecified thing. "Lets have something".
متاثرہ شخص : Exploited : of persons; taken advantage of. "After going out of his way to help his friend get the job he felt not appreciated but used".