Affect Affairs Affaire D'honneur Affaire Affair Affably Affableness Affable Affectation Affected Affected Role Affectedly Affectedness Affecting Affectingly Affection Affectional Affectionate Affectionately Affectionateness

Affectation meaning in Urdu

Affectation Synonyms


Affectation Definitions

1) Affectation, Affectedness, Mannerism, Pose : دکھاوا, بناوٹ : (noun) a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display.

Useful Words

Coyness : شرم و حیا , Modest : سادہ , Unpretentious : نمائش سے پاک , Query : سوال کرنا , Problematically : مشکوک یا مشتبہ طور سے , Interrogate : تفتیش کرنا , Endanger : خطرے سے دوچار کرنا , Sincerely : خلوص سے , Bluff : دہونس , Divination : پیشین گوئی , Bookishness : مطالعے کا حد سے زیادہ شوق , Exaggeratedly : مبالغے سے , Machismo : مردانگی کا مظاہرہ , Craze : شوق , Caricaturist : تضحیکی خاکہ نگار , Superlative : مبالغہ , Priggishness : ریا کاری , Superiority Complex : احساس برتری , Religionism : مذہبیت , Egotism : خود پسندی , Euphoria : بشاشت , Wildly : انتہائی , Flounce : تڑپ کر چلنے کا عمل , Entice : پھسلانا , Adulation : چاپلوسی , Caricature : تضحیکی خاکہ , Betrayal : بے وفائی , Elision : مستثنی قرار دینے کا عمل , Obstructionism : خلل اندازی , Unintentional : غیر ارادی , Conceited : خود پسندانہ

Useful Words Definitions

Coyness: the affectation of being demure in a provocative way.

Modest: free from pomp or affectation.

Unpretentious: lacking pretension or affectation.

Query: pose a question.

Problematically: in such a way as to pose a problem.

Interrogate: pose a series of questions to.

Endanger: pose a threat to; present a danger to.

Sincerely: with sincerity; without pretense.

Bluff: pretense that your position is stronger than it really is.

Divination: the art or gift of prophecy (or the pretense of prophecy) by supernatural means.

Bookishness: exaggerated studiousness.

Exaggeratedly: in an exaggerated manner.

Machismo: exaggerated masculinity.

Craze: an interest followed with exaggerated zeal.

Caricaturist: someone who parodies in an exaggerated manner.

Superlative: an exaggerated expression (usually of praise).

Priggishness: exaggerated and arrogant properness.

Superiority Complex: an exaggerated estimate of your own value and importance.

Religionism: exaggerated religious zealotry.

Egotism: an exaggerated opinion of your own importance.

Euphoria: a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation.

Wildly: to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree.

Flounce: the act of walking with exaggerated jerky motions.

Entice: provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion.

Adulation: servile flattery; exaggerated and hypocritical praise.

Caricature: a representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect.

Betrayal: an act of deliberate betrayal.

Elision: a deliberate act of omission.

Obstructionism: deliberate interference.

Unintentional: without deliberate intent.

Conceited: characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Related Words

Feigning : ڈھونگ

Affectation in Book Titles

The Triumph of Affectation: A Poem.

بُھولے سے