FakharRahatIjtimaiyatAkthQurbtKhush Ki KifiyatEhsas Khush HaliBashashtAfsordegiRanjidagiGhamgeniUdasiShadeed GhamRuty HueRuya HuwaNaumidiMayoosGham GiniReham Or Tars

افسُردَگی : Afsordegi Meaning in English

Afsordegi Synonyms


Afsordegi in Detail

1 of 6) افسردگی غمگینی اداسی : Sadness Sorrow Sorrowfulness : (noun) the state of being sad.

2 of 6) افسردگی رنجیدگی : Sadness Unhappiness : (noun) bad emotions experienced when someone not in a state of well-being.

3 of 6) افسردگی : Cheerlessness Uncheerfulness : (noun) a feeling of dreary or pessimistic sadness.

5 of 6) مایوسی ناامیدی افسردگی : Despondence Despondency Disconsolateness Heartsickness : (noun) feeling downcast and disheartened and hopeless.

6 of 6) غمگینی افسردگی : Melancholy : (noun) a feeling of thoughtful sadness.

Useful Words

بے لطف : Drab : lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise. "Her drab personality".

احساس : Feeling : the experiencing of affective and emotional states. "No feeling no mercy".

غمگین : Sad : experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness. "Don`t be sad".

حالت : State : the way something is with respect to its main attributes. "Overthinking ruined his mental state".

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