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اغواء : Aghwa Meaning in English


Aghwa in Detail

1 of 3) اغواء : Highjack Hijack : (noun) seizure of a vehicle in transit either to rob it or divert it to an alternate destination.

2 of 3) اغواء : Abduction : (noun) the criminal act of capturing and carrying away by force a family member; if a man`s wife is abducted it is a crime against the family relationship and against the wife.

3 of 3) اغواء : Highjacking Hijacking : (noun) robbery of a traveller or vehicle in transit or seizing control of a vehicle by the use of force.

Useful Words

قائم مقام : Alternate : someone who takes the place of another person.

منزل : Destination : the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey). "A crowd assembled at the finish".

پھیرنا : Deviate : turn aside; turn away from. "Do not divert my mind".

بھی : Either : after a negative statement used as an intensive meaning something like `likewise` or `also`. "He isn`t stupid, but he isn`t exactly a genius either".

یہ : It : Used of a nonhuman entity. "It is out of the question".

ڈاکہ ڈالنا : Rob : take something away by force or without the consent of the owner. "The burglars robbed him of all his money".

ضرب یا دورہ : Ictus : a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease. "Breathing problems and loss of bowel these are seizure symptoms".

گزرنا : Move Through : make a passage or journey from one place to another. "The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;".

گاڑی : Vehicle : a conveyance that transports people or objects.

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