Air Pressure meaning in Urdu
Air Pressure Sentence
Air Pressure Synonyms
Air Pressure Definitions
1) Air Pressure, Atmospheric Pressure, Pressure : ہوا کا دباو, فضائی دباو : (noun) the pressure exerted by the atmosphere.
Useful Words
Air Compressor : ہوا سکیڑنے والا , Acupressure : مالش کا طریقہ , Escape : محفوظ صمام , Air Current : ہوا , Tonometer : سر پیما آلہٴ , Meteorology : موسمیات , Barometric Pressure : فضائی دباو , Barometric : فضائی , Barometer : ہوائی دباو کو ناپنےکا آلہ , Compressed Air : سکیڑی ہوئی ہوا , Acoustic Radiation Pressure : آواز کا دباو , Calorie : حرارت کی اکائی , Pressurise : دباو ڈالنا , Pounds Per Square Inch : دباو کی اکائی , Decompress : دباوٴ کم کرنا , Compressing : دباو , Rub : رگڑنا , Firm : سخت , Relent : گھٹنے ٹیک دینا , Press : دبانے کا عمل , Hypotension : بلڈ پریشر کم ہونا , Pressurise : دباو بڑھانا , Air Hose : ہوا کا پائپ , Ease Off : ڈھیلا چھوڑنا , Hustle : دباو ڈالنا , Compressed : دبا , Covid Strain : کرونا وائرس کا دباو , Hard : مضبوط , Blackjack : دھمکی دے کر دباو ڈالنا , Impress : نقش کرنا , Displace : طاقت سےہٹانا
Useful Words Definitions
Air Compressor: a compressor that takes in air at atmospheric pressure and delivers it at a higher pressure.
Acupressure: treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points on the body.
Escape: a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler); it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level.
Air Current: air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure.
Tonometer: measuring instrument for measuring tension or pressure (especially for measuring intraocular pressure in testing for glaucoma).
Meteorology: Meteorology is the scientific study of the Earth`s atmosphere, weather patterns, and climate. It is a branch of atmospheric science that focuses on understanding and predicting atmospheric phenomena, including temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind, precipitation, and other factors that influence weather conditions.
Barometric Pressure: atmospheric pressure as indicated by a barometer.
Barometric: relating to atmospheric pressure or indicated by a barometer.
Barometer: an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure.
Compressed Air: air at a pressure greater than that of the atmosphere.
Acoustic Radiation Pressure: (acoustics) the pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a sound wave.
Calorie: a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree at one atmosphere pressure; used by nutritionists to characterize the energy-producing potential in food.
Pressurise: increase the pressure in or of.
Pounds Per Square Inch: a unit of pressure.
Decompress: decrease the pressure of.
Compressing: applying pressure.
Rub: move over something with pressure.
Firm: not soft or yielding to pressure.
Relent: give in, as to influence or pressure.
Press: the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure.
Hypotension: abnormally low blood pressure.
Pressurise: increase the pressure on a gas or liquid.
Air Hose: a hose that carries air under pressure.
Ease Off: reduce pressure or intensity.
Hustle: pressure or urge someone into an action.
Compressed: reduced in volume by pressure.
Covid Strain: coronavirus pressure on world.
Hard: resisting weight or pressure.
Blackjack: exert pressure on someone through threats.
Impress: mark or stamp with or as if with pressure.
Displace: cause to move, usually with force or pressure.