امریکی راکٹ انجینئر : Amreki Raket Engineer Meaning in English
Amreki Raket Engineer in Detail
1) امریکی راکٹ انجینئر : Braun Von Braun Wernher Magnus Maximilian Von Braun Wernher Von Braun : (noun) United States rocket engineer (born in Germany where he designed a missile used against England); he led the United States Army team that put the first American satellite into space (1912-1977).
Useful Words
مخالف : Against : Contrary to; opposed to. "This was done against my will".
امریکی باشندہ : American : a native or inhabitant of the United States. "These are American cashew".
فوج : Army : a permanent organization of the military land forces of a nation or state. "Ground Forces have killed 27 militants".
پیدا شدہ : Born : brought into existence. "He was a child born of adultery".
کسی مقصد کے لئے بنایا گیا : Designed : done or made or performed with purpose and intent. "Styleis more than the deliberate and designed creation".
ماہر فنیات : Applied Scientist : a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems. "She is an engineer".
برطانیہ : England : a division of the United Kingdom. "Hamid Mir moves to London".
سب سے پہلے : First : before anything else. "I felt it for the first time".
بر اعظم یورپ کا ایک ملک : Deutschland : a republic in central Europe; split into East Germany and West Germany after World War II and reunited in 1990. "Germany is the European country".
میزائل : Missile : a rocket carrying a warhead of conventional or nuclear explosives; may be ballistic or directed by remote control.
رکھنا : Lay : put into a certain place or abstract location. "Where do I put it ?".
آسمان کو چھونا : Rocket : shoot up abruptly, like a rocket. "Prices skyrocketed".
مدار میں گہومنے والا : Artificial Satellite : man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon. "Artificial satellite image".
بے انتہا : Infinite : the unlimited expanse in which everything is located. "They tested his ability to locate objects in space".
حالت : State : the way something is with respect to its main attributes. "Overthinking ruined his mental state".
جماعت بنانا : Team : form a team. "We teamed up for this new project".
متحدہ : United : characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity. "Presented a united front".
متاثرہ شخص : Exploited : of persons; taken advantage of. "After going out of his way to help his friend get the job he felt not appreciated but used".