امریکی رنگ ساز : Amreki Rang Saz Meaning in English
Amreki Rang Saz in Detail
1) سارجینٹ امریکی رنگ ساز : John Singer Sargent Sargent : (noun) United States painter (born in Italy) known for his society portraits (1856-1925).
Useful Words
پیدا شدہ : Born : brought into existence. "He was a child born of adultery".
ہوائی امریکی ریاست : Aloha State : a state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands.
رنگ ساز : Painter : an artist who paints.
تصویر : Portrait : a word picture of a person`s appearance and character.
معاشرہ : Society : an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization. "The society has changd".
حالت : State : the way something is with respect to its main attributes. "Overthinking ruined his mental state".
متحدہ : United : characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity. "Presented a united front".