اناڑی پن : Anari Pan Meaning in English
Anari Pan Synonyms
Anari Pan in Detail
1 of 5) پہوہڑ طور سے پہوڑ پن سے غیر ماہر : Botchy Butcherly Unskillful : (satellite adjective) poorly done.
2 of 5) اناڑی پن : Unskillfulness : (noun) a lack of cognitive skill.
3 of 5) اناڑی پن بے تکا پن ناقابلیت : Awkwardness Clumsiness Ineptitude Ineptness Maladroitness Slowness : (noun) unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training.
4 of 5) اناڑی پن : Incompleteness Rawness : (noun) the state of being crude and incomplete and imperfect.
5 of 5) ناواقفیت اناڑی پن : Inexperience Rawness : (noun) lack of experience and the knowledge and understanding derived from experience.
Useful Words
احساس رکھنے والا : Cognitive : of or being or relating to or involving cognition. "Cognitive lifestyle".
کمی : Deficiency : the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. "By the way, food is well made but there us a lack of salt in the food".
بیمار : Ailing : somewhat ill or prone to illness. "My poor ailing grandmother".
اہلیت : Accomplishment : an ability that has been acquired by training. "I saw an advertisement in the newspaper that we need a young energetic man for merchant navy who is skilled in swimming".