AndaruniMakhsoos JagaNisf AlnhaarEk ZaviaKashida JagaGaram JagaAroz SukoonUfaqAndarDakhliMulk Ka Andarun...DarmiyanBeachKisi Jaga Andar...Fiza Ka Ravan D...Ham Dhoop KhatJangali Janwar ...ChamanGhas Dar Choti ...Khat Alarz

اندر : Andar Meaning in English

Andar Sentences

Andar Synonyms


Andar in Detail

1 of 3) اندر : In Inward Inwards : (adverb) to or toward the inside of.

2 of 3) اندر : Inside Within : (adverb) on the inside.

3 of 3) اندر داخلی : Inside Interior : (noun) the region that is inside of something.

Useful Words

عمارت یا گھر کے اندر : Indoors : within a building. "In winter we play inside".

طرف : Toward : in the direction of. "If Allah wills, Pakistan will move towards success in the times to come".
