انگریز عِاشقانہ شاعر : Angrez Aashiqana Shayar Meaning in English
Angrez Aashiqana Shayar in Detail
1) انگریز عاشقانہ شاعر : Percy Bysshe Shelley Shelley : (noun) Englishman and romantic poet (1792-1822).
Useful Words
انگریز : Englishman : a man who is a native or inhabitant of England. "Are you Englishman?".
شاعر : Poet : a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry).
تحریک رومانیت کا حامی : Romantic : an artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticism. "Saqib saw the girl in the park and became romantic with her in the first meeting so the girl replied him you are so fast but it won`t work out".