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انگریز تاریخ دان : Angrez Tareekh Dan Meaning in English

Angrez Tareekh Dan in Detail

1) انگریز تاریخ دان : Stubbs William Stubbs : (noun) English historian noted for his constitutional history of medieval England (1825-1901).


Useful Words

آئینی : Constitutional : sanctioned by or consistent with or operating under the law determining the fundamental political principles of a government. "The constitutional right of free speech".

برطانیہ : England : a division of the United Kingdom. "Hamid Mir moves to London".

انگریزی : English : an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch; the official language of Britain and the United States and most of the commonwealth countries. "Did you speak English?".

ہیلو : Hello : an expression of greeting. "Hi mom".

مورخ : Historian : a person who is an authority on history and who studies it and writes about it. "Historians write that Alexander was a great warrior".

تاریخ : History : the aggregate of past events. "A critical time in the school`s history".

پانچ سے پندرویں صدی کا : Mediaeval : relating to or belonging to the Middle Ages. "Medieval scholars in London".

معروف : Celebrated : widely known and esteemed. "A famous actor".

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