انوکھا مزاج : Anokha Mizaj Meaning in English
Anokha Mizaj in Detail
1) انوکھا مزاج خاص انداز : Foible Idiosyncrasy Mannerism : (noun) a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual.
Useful Words
کسی کے نام کرنا : Ascribe : attribute or credit to. "You spread the rumor yourself and attributed it to me".
خاص : Distinctive : of a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing. "Distinctive features of Iphone".
انفرادی : Individual : being or characteristic of a single thing or person. "Individual drops of rain".
انوکھا : Peculiar : markedly different from the usual. "A peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats".